Anyone else find this game mysterious?

Anyone else find this game mysterious?

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in what way

as in mysterious how they managed to do everything right?


Holy Shit I want to fuck the sister in the ass

Install a white cj model and now you have the perfect game

The desert specifically. There was something so spooky about it. The massive Area 69, the way the sky would turn purple at night, the way the desert sort of just ended at the edge of the ocean, the emptiness, the sandstorms, all the abandoned stuff like the airport and the ghost towns, the conspiracies with Toreno and the Truth, the UFO themed bar you could go in that had a unique map in the back. The city that felt like a mirage; it was like being surrounded by a million people, none of which lived in that plastic world. It still felt like being alone in the middle of a desert when you were in Las Venturas, despite it being the most lively city in the game. I used to cruise around the desert at night with K-Rose on, and it always felt like there was something incredibly sinister hiding out there. The station's host mentions that she lives out there, and that all six of her husbands are dead. I also feel like there's a mystique that older, less detailed games have, where your brain fills in the blanks.

Okay not reading all that


the only three types of people in this entire site

Fucking zoomer ADD attention span strikes again

Yet you completed a captcha

you know whats mysterious
big smokes order

I don't understand racists playing without black CJ, literally the entire game is about a nigger being a menace to society

CJ killed so many shitty people that he arguably benefited society

>t. libcuck

What a fucking fag, nigga still living in 2004.


dumb cunt zoomers

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It's all the engine. The way interiors exist in a black void world, the way cars don't appear on roads until you're close to them.

I'm actually making my way through for the first time currently, haven't ventured beyond the city, and my answer is no.

GTA3, even with a smaller area, felt better to just get in a car and drive wherever and see what happens. If that's what you mean by mystery.

The other cities are better


The Polack
The intellectual
And the lazy brainless coomer

Ignore the zoomers, bro.
I feel you.
Even though SA is my least favorite 3D GTA, I love how its full of spooky areas and mysteries

GTA III is based

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no i find it fucking boring though

Based brainlet

You should be concerned when your brain phases out at the sight of a paragraph.

san andreas so special because of things like that. the woods were always spooky, around blueberry and what not. i remember finding random blood splatters around there. to me the game got better when it progressed beyond coon town.

I guess I never thought about it until now, but you're absolutely right. There is a spooky kind of atmosphere to that game. Also all the niggers were pretty spooky, too lol.

Why would he be concerned about being a Chad?

Based my friend

What's Ligma?

The safehouses in SA always had an uneasy feeling to me. It just felt so incredibly lifeless and the constant white noise in the background didn't help. And the way CJ would start to breathe loudly as soon as he stepped into dark sections. It was like Silent Hill. Especially Mad Dogg's mansion.

Ligma balls

always wanted him to not die felt like he did nothing wrong baka

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