Winter never ends
Pass is vee
I can't join yet, but I'll give the thread new life.
Likewise. got stuff to do right now unfortunately.
I'm out of the house for now, so PC room tonight.
Usually kw, and I might dip quick because I gotta be up early.
Ill pop in momentarily
hope you guys have the sound extension script
Also hippie, I finally seemed to wrap my head around 4B in gordeau combos, do his [st] ones still work or has it all been changed? Is the grim reaper followup the way to end them now or something?
Sound extension script?
check the thread i linked
tl;dr if you're using 4chanx you can post images that have audio again
His combo game shouldn't have changed aside from the 3C > 2C (first hit) > 22A > 5B link being made way more lenient.
>grim reaper followup the way to end
I think 5B > 214B is the new thing since it got better scaling. The applications for the new reaper followup to my limited understanding is bringing guaranteed knockdown off of people caught airborne with it and converting off of specific A Reaper traps in the corner since you can combo off of it.
I think I've seen videos of reaper follow-up hitting grounded opponents being able to be lifted for the 22C extension but I haven't been able to do it yet
who gives a fuck
Sounds nice but also scary in case of jump scare audio hidden in cute pictures.
Aloha anons, been a minute since I've joined one of these lobbies
Welcome back. Hope you enjoyed a nice vacatio.
I still have no idea how to fight Phonon.
Can't hear shit, but I've already got a panda searcher so I've got all I need.
Alright, I'll focus on learning his old shit and not worrying too much about reaper stuff for now.
Forgot to add, the new enders are 5B > FF > 214B
I also keep forgetting that landing FF on airborne opponents give a free combo but it depends on the distance
pclobby isnt showing up
e n h a n c e d posting experience
Hey, easy 3k, between 2 posts, nice.
Thanks man.
Try now, just put it up under pclobby again.
I need to shake off the rust off my Pho from mashing GBVS but I also wanna run some Yuzu...
Maybe try a region change thing?
Weird, just checked again and the settings are usual, maybe it's the damn download region thing again you try to make one and I'll look.
How much in each Lobby?
1 attempting to join PC with some issues
does this mean I can technically make webms with sound now? Might test this in a little bit
PS has 6
Set up a lobby now
up, kw pclobby
I meant I set one up
Why did the ice setup confirm at the end do no damage lol?
Hmm, well I was able to get in PC lobby just fine. Maybe I should host it if whoever's having issues still can't connect?
Ah, my bad.
Couldn't find anything under 'vee' or 'pclobby'.
Go for it, if that doesn't work, I think my region is still either phoenix or dallas. It's been a while since anybody's had to check.
It was I who was having issues
seems to work fine
22C looks to have some shit scaling
Well I set one up with pclobby as kw too.