FF7R is not FF7
Nomura: True Meaning of FF7R
of course not, its ff7r
>talk to me in a few years
How long we talking here?
I think everyone already figured that out
It's kino
>Nomura: We wanted to have the last boss fight take place at the highway in Midgar, which arises questions that I cannot answer. There is a character who’s alive, which leads to a great mystery.
He can't tell you because he has no fucking idea. This guy can't organize things for shit. He probably thought the story up during a coffee break. If he actually knew what he was doing then this wouldn't be episodic.
>FF7R is not FF7
no shit
>Kitase: (How many parts?) We have a general idea of how the story will play out, but we haven't decided exactly [how many parts], nor can we confirm anything. There's speculation that it will be 3 parts, but we're just doing things one step at a time.
Nomura: (How about the next part?) Depends on how many parts the overall story will be. If we divide the story into large parts, it'll take longer to make. If we divide it into more detailed smaller sections, then developing it will be faster. I hope to release the next one ASAP.
You'd think puristfags would be happy this isn't actually a 1:1 remake but a continuation, making it so their precious 1997 game is relevant and can convince everyone to play it. Unless they too can't stand the dated gameplay ....
>It'll be faster if we release it in smaller parts.
The fuck did he mean by this? If you release by sections the overall work done and story won't be finished/take longer and will have diminishing returns.
>There is a character who’s alive, which leads to a great mystery.
>We have a general idea
What the fuck does this even mean? Did they seriously not even think beyond the first part? My god.
Someone fire him already. Smaller sections? What the fuck is this shit I'm reading? This is going to be a disaster. Was it too much to ask for a complete game? This is all so horribly mismanaged.
>so we're actually doing 7 parts ahaha
they are going to milk the fuck out of this game.
only the minigames are dated, the combat is fine
Yeah this really doesn't seem to be a good idea to me. I don't want a game for every damn location.
Did anyone think otherwise?
I worked on the game; and before you call bullshit you've literally no idea what department I worked in but yes, I worked on the game. Not close with the man himself but we're currently getting info about the next segments as they're in development. He runs the team like Gamefreak; immediately working on the next game as soon as the prior game launches.
I shit you not; it's just DDD. That shit with Xehanort going back in time and creating events that ultimately lead to his downfall anyway because those other Xehanorts have to return to where they're from so they can be killed by Sora in their correct timelines. Yeah; that but with Sephiroth. Actually; if you want a better example, do you remember how Cyberconnect2 was once going to develop the game? We still have their version on the servers. It's archived. But do you recall a time-travelling game by them wherein the villain wants to change the events that lead to his demise? VIIR is just JJBA EoH.
Based on the info we're getting (new scripts, scenes, localizing) it's just EoH.
The higher ups know that he likes to twist and bend the plot into nonsensical bullshit; so they're clamping down this time after the 'Meh' response that Kingdom Hearts III received. It wasn't universally loved and the same thing is happening to VIIR so VIIR PT2 will be closer to VII than this "New" bullshit.
SE don't want Nomura pulling another Kingdom Hearts III where he makes the plot overly complicated; so his original idea where he was going to have Aerith live, Tifa and Cloud have sex (he was genuinely going to have Final Fantasy's first sex-scene be in this game, they paid good money to scan Anri Okita's body) and Denzel and Zack would reappear. But fuck all that; instead they're going to do the DDD bullshit instead of III's bullshit. Zack is gonna be borrowed him his timeline moments before death to aid the party in the future, but ultimately he'll return to his own timeline to die.
He can't tell you because he isn't one of the 4 people who wrote the game.
Epic copypasta
Why do you keep pushing this lie?
Sir, I guarantee you there is no other place online comparing this game to EoH because none of you remembered that Cyberconnect2 was once manning the development team.
Nomura and Square Execs are really raping the Final Fantasy IP. I bet even an user on Yas Forums could make a decent project than the shit that came out.
False and they didn't even finish writing shit. They don't even know where this is going from that quote from Kitase.
>FF7R is not FF7
I mean it's pretty obvious with the whole "REMAKE" in the title.
Stop giving him chances, for fuck's sake.
Wiki says 4 different people wrote it and not one of them is Nomura.
No one thinks you're cool lying on the internet
God I can’t fucking stand Nomura anymore man, I fucking KNEW he would say some bullshit like this and NOBODY IS GONNA FUCKING CALL HIM OUT ON IT
He’s just going to keep getting work because Square Enix don’t have the balls to tell him to fuck off
>we all thought Remake was just the technical term
>it's actually the subtitle
>remake = rebuild
Explain to me what is so unbelievable about my post. A compelling argument please, if you dare.
You fucking retard he's the director. He's always done writing as director.
(Me again; guy who worked on the game); the actual factual reason they don't just kick him out is because SE owns the IP, Nomura owns the character designs which means if he is fired he takes them with him. Anything drawn by Nomura is his property. This is why they can't fire him, he won't sell them either because no other studio would ever hire him if he were let go from SE so he is staying put because it's his only foot in the industry. You can also Google this very easily and see that I'm telling the truth, he owns the copyright and intellectual property of the character designs and by extension the characters themselves - that he is tasked to draw.
>they paid good money to scan Anri Okita's body
fuck why did i even read this, i am so dumb.
I said that he was pulling this exact shit
People aren’t going to even call Square Enix out for false advertising and even worse, they’ve already gotten away with it
They have the money and the postivie reviews, nothing can be done
I’m sure, but they could also just stop enabling his bullshit
>Part 1: Midgar
>Part 2: Kalm
>Part 3: Junon
>Part 4: Costa Del Sol
>Part 5: Gold Saucer
>Part 6: Corel Prison
>Part 7: Nibelheim
>Part 8: Rocket Town
That’s not how it works at all. Anything he does is owned by SE.
Every contract in any tech field has this clause, so you can’t take your shit with you when you leave a company.
They're at a standstill, can't fire him, but he also can't waste the executives' money so he has to produce a product that will sell first and foremost and they don't particularly care what he needs to do it.