Why is this board so shit now?
Why is this board so shit now?
Yas Forums and Yas Forums were never good
no one from 2006 still goes here, nice joke OP
I don't know, but the last 5 days or so has turned me into a snekphile.
I do.
only good games to talk about came out 5-10 years ago, that's why. Everything today is rushed skinnerbox-lootbox-DRM-episodic-pay2win-online only or it's a remake.
Seig heil, gas videogames. Eat weed.
Wtf is this budget knockoff
Also reddit/2016 election
me too
It doesn't really matter if you believe me or not user. It's not like being on this website for 14 years is something to take pride in.
>this board
1. it was never good to begin with
2. pol unironically. ever since the lockdown more people have free time. normally people just stay on their boards with few who cross in between. now with no school, no jobs and just staying indoors, people try out new places to shitpost on
the only board that was ever good was Yas Forums before its 1st deletus
>ever since the lockdown more people have free time.
It’s been shit way before the lockdown. Autists gonna autist.
i could also extend this to people from a or jp but pol gets those sweet sweet (you)s
It was always shit but it's the difference between a "so bad it's good" experience and a "soul crushingly shit" experience.
oh and also >>>/z/ but only ironically
Something tells me (You) are part of the reason this place is shit
First came here late summer of '06 after the habbo hotel raid. This place has really lost it's charm after the endless pepe and wojak edits then gamergate and election tourists put the nail in the coffin. I just stop by once a week or so to see what's new.
You're getting older and the people you(we) used to make fun of are now the vast majority of the posters here.
While you have memories of playing games like HoMM 3, Mario 64, Red Alert, Mortal kombat and so on the people now posting on this board have the same memories but with games like Halo, Call of Duty, Minecraft , WoW and so on.
Heck I've even seen nostalgia threads about stuff like Naruto on this board.
>gays try to "poz" every game
>white people bad, they are hunting me
>m-muh pol fault
what's the current best board?
>soul crushingly shit
Such a great description. It’s along the lines of instagram/reddit memes
A toast, to a decade and a half of poor decisions.
This board officially died when >lol threads got banned.
>polbait buzzwords
>still think hes being subtle
It just has to do with autism. I can identify patterns in the low quality thread, it’s likely a smaller handful of posters, doubt it has much to do with age
/vg/ or /o/
And it doesn’t just have to be autism they could be a sperg or some other shit
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2 was one of the few games I had on the ps2 because we were poor as fuck
Took me years before i figured out how to add moves to the characters. I can still vividly hear Naruto's/lee's base movesets
>tfw Yas Forumslit/sci/v/jp/a/
08 here.
Normies. People talk about this site on twitter. it's essentially underage children's dumping ground for sperging out and naughty words
The nice board is the nicest board
Really nice if your games have /vg/ generals, generally is good if there aren’t too many waifuniggers
Yas Forums is just a symptom, the problem is people too edgy for Facebook and reddit just wash into here since it's the only place where there's zero consequences for being a fucking retard. "Any community that..." etc etc.
Tons of underage, ESLs and underage ESLs as well.
/vr/ or /po/
>oh no someone doesn't like my shitposting
>he must be a chink nigger kike discord tranny /leftypol/ JIDF ShareBlue faggot
I miss Yas Forums from before the stormfags ruined racism for everyone else. A Yas Forums that existed solely to shock people by calling basically anyone who killed anyone else a hero, whether it was Dorner or Zimmerman or Maple Snake. It used to be fun
ESLs ain't too bad. Sure it shits up the readability, but some of them are based and should stay.
I know about the filename, my friend is just the big gay and sends me shit from there
>Tons of underage, ESLs and underage ESLs as well.
This along with mentally ill/disabled people the most dedicated shitposters. I think the most understandable retardation is from esl posters since they’re still learning, it can be really hard.
There’s no filter for any of this stuff, anonymity is a double edged sword for post quality
>Most people from EU speak 3-4 languages
>At times they make a minor grammatical error when they post
Do Americans really?
Retards from pol fell for the latest marketing campaign from Sony.
But not being ESL means you are a burger or a bong and that is arguably worse.
>only good games to talk about came out 5-10 years ago
Fuck off, 7th gen were the dark ages. 2017 was like the first decent year for vidya since 2007.