Did you ever feel bad for something you did in a game Yas Forums?

Did you ever feel bad for something you did in a game Yas Forums?

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>tfw doom 64 stream soon

Silly finger-biting doggy is just too wholesome.

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I wish that bear was me.

All the fucking time. I make too many emotional connections to shit in vidya, even though it's all 0's and 1's.

i want to fuck the dog

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>tfw can never bring myself to kill House in NV anymore
It seems like such a low blow and he is not a bad guy.

Fuck what was the name of that game i wanna post when the chad arino played it instead of that 3d pig disgusting that hides behind a dog

Cute grandma

I've fapped to the Stalker's ass in Killing Floor 2

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I know when I played cave story for the first time I felt so bad about abandoning Curly after the fight against The Core that I immediately dropped my savefile and started over with a guide

I don't even know why that hit me that hard

I wanna be the eel

Sorry mate, she's taken.

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Same, but in my case I fapped to the screaming witches from Left4Dead2.

Yes, I felt terrible shooting random people in gta IV, their responses were too realistic

I wonder if she likes licking peanut butter off random things haha that would be weird haha

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How far down the rabbit hole is Peko going to go with Metal Gear?

>shoot a cop in literally any other GTA game
>assuming they say anything at all it'll be some shit like "NO MY DONUTS"
>go into GTA4 expecting the same level of sillyness
>shoot a cop during a mission
>"tell my wife... I love her..."

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Good taste, user
>the wedding bride witch

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where the basedjacks at?

Why does the janny hate japanese gamers?

GTA4 was such a downer, everything was kind of grim.

I remember when GTA 4 first launched and I shot someone in the head for the first time. I was shocked how realistic the blood looked pooling out on the ground. Looks way better than just a giant cartoony blood pool.

In her MGS2 stream she made clear she definitely wants to play MGS4 next, and in the MGS3 stream she was talking about Peace Walker.
Honestly I would say to not expect her to play every single game, so she might just play MSG4 and be done with it.
If not then she might just play the other ones.

We need more threads about TLoU2, of course

I can't tell if I find her laughs/screams shrill or cute

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The one thing GTAIV did better than any other was npcs reaction to wounds, and physics in general.

The screaming is annoying, but she has a cute weeb girl voice when she speaks english. Kinda wish she did an all English stream even though most of her viewers are Japanese.

>Kinda wish she did an all English stream even though most of her viewers are Japanese.
I think she's done a few
either way she switches between the two almost constantly

I once reprimanded Deekin by accident when I was like 12. I couldn't sleep because of it that night, ended up saying a prayer across my bed asking God to forgive me.
I love that little fella.

GTAV felt like a cartoon in comparison.

>she played for 11 hours straight
I like her already

I seem to have entered the wrong thread but it got deleted anyways so I might as well ask here.

Seems like tons of chuubas played re4 so I don't know who I should start with. 100% Japanese isn't a problem.

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no, it's just bits in memory

Have there ever been another game like ActRaiser? Shit was so simple but so addicting at the same time, I want to be god again and send my emissaries to create civilization only for said civilization to forget I ever existed.

This gonna be great!
Korosu plays the weirdest vidya, and her flute reactions are just too golden.

Korone virus is your friend.

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I just wish more VTubers played RE7.

It's more than that, user. It's also pixels.

>Nobuhime is retiring

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I think Coco started playing RE4 recently, and she speaks english as well so theres that.

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