Is Witcher 3 a good game or just a meme? I see it on sale for $15 on Humble Store and I’m bored...

Is Witcher 3 a good game or just a meme? I see it on sale for $15 on Humble Store and I’m bored, but it’s only for the GOG version. I don’t even have a stupid GOG account. Should I just wait for a Steam sale?

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as long as you're interested in the story it really is a follow the quest marker type of game with not the greatest combat

An overrated piece of shit, it should burn. "haha it showed le yennefer tatas haha best geim ever haha"

It's full of fucking SJW shit and Geralt is the worst protagonist there is. A fucking 90 year old creep self insert of the author trying to fulfill his fantasy of fuCKING 17 years old and having all women be attracted to him.

First of all, have you read the books?
If not, you at least need to play TW1:EE.
TW3 is a-OK game, but you'll miss a lot if you skip source material.

>GOG account
just make one. It's not like with Steam or Origin where you need some launcher. Shit bought from GOG can be downloaded and installed where ever and whenever you want, even offline.

gg, always on sale for $15 on steam too though

the dlc won goty two years after the games release, its good

>I see it on sale for $15 on Humble Store and I’m bored, but it’s only for the GOG version. I don’t even have a stupid GOG account. Should I just wait for a Steam sale?
user you should always buy off GOG if possible because it is DRM free

If you make an account on GOG you get a welcome deal that lasts 48 hours where you get discounts on games, Witcher 3 GOTY edition is 70% discount on it so you can buy it there whenever you make an account for cheap

its a meme

>controls are dog shit PS2 era controls
>storyline is a long boring ass "talk to X, go kill Y, grab Z, return to X" on repeat
>horse mechanics worse than rdr1
>fighting is boring, you literally do the same three attacks over and over again spinning like some ballerina
>main character is a fucking fence post in terms of voice acting, just grunts like a retard through the entire story with 0 emotion

its hyped up beyond belief. its as generic as it gets.

I respect the idea of DRM free games but has anyone actually bought a game off GoG?

yes, not everyone is a steam cultist

Absolutely. Get the expansions too.

How do you break free if you already have like 500 steam games? The thought of having a second digital collection makes me autistic

Gog Galaxy 2, you can connect your Steam, Origin, Epic or Uplay accounts to it and have all your games together

I'm seeing a lot of negative comments about it in this thread, and you should know OP a lot of that might just be because the game is so highly praised that Yas Forums is being reactive and saying its shit in response.

Now I never played any other Witcher game or read the books, but I picked up TW3 a few weeks ago for $15 and think its a solid open world rpg. The combat is serviceable, better than Skyrim but not Dragon's Dogma. The side quests and amount of content is really great though, as are some of the characters and mythology and writing. Definitely worth $15 bucks if you want a good time sink and world to get lost in.

>Now I never played any other Witcher game or read the books
>jumps straight to 3rd installment of the games
Why do people do this ?

>> Yen fag detected
Triss is superior gtfo of here and back to tranny ville.

Whatever you say boomer.

>is a critically and commercially successful game worth buying for $15
gee bill I dunno

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To spite the shitposts tearing down this game, I'll give you a bit more coherent one to tear it down properly.

For one, the combat is boring. It's comparable to the Bamham counter/attack/ability angle, the only difference being there's RPG-lite mechanics behind it as well as you fight monsters sometimes instead of people. The open world is empty. There are no likeable characters or interesting plot threads, even when witcher threads are all about which waifu is the best. Quests are repetitive "follow the detective vision footprints and kill the monster" basically being every premise. Choosable dialogue is entirely unnecessary. The beginning of the game is an absolute slog and I wish I had just stopped playing it within the first 5 hours instead of sticking through it for 10 more hours and THEN deciding it wasn't worth my time.

I didn't even buy the game and I don't recommend it. Not even being contrarian, it's as much of a movie game as a Sony exclusive because the only thing it was getting praise for was its story content.

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it’s a GoG key, he might as well pay for air

Only Yas Forums seems to hate it, probably got filtered by it somehow. If you like RPing as a monster hunting detective in the backwoods, you'll probably like it. It's very expansive too so you get a good sense of adventure. and the big upside is the huge amount of seamless content since there's almost no cutscenes in the game, it's all in-game scenes so even side stories feel natural. and some of them are really well written which is always a nice surprise. I probably put in 500 hours into the game, i really liked it.

I dropped it twice on ps4 but just bought it on switch and am enjoying it more than I did previously even thought it looks like ass in comparison. I enjoy the world and people in it more than the main story.

I started with 3 but played them all eventually, it doesn't really matter. ofc, it's way more enjoyable if you read the books first and play the 1st and 2nd game, but overall it doesn't really affect it much. It does a good job for first timers.

It's the GOAT

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Can I get a redpill on this?

their new launcher combines all your launchers like steam, epic, etc into one and tracks your stats and achievements. It's pretty clunky now, but it's really interesting. I've already got it setup, whenever it gets better I'll probably make a permenant switch to it.

I want to get the Switch version now since Cross save is a thing. Holy shit I’ve bought this game too many times

it's pretty good. definitely worth playing. lacks some of the atmosphere of 1 and 2, and a lot of the Big Choices boil down to "do the right thing" vs. "be a retard for shits and giggles, unlike in the previous games where they were actually balanced.
but overall it's a solid 8/10 whether you care about witcher stuff or not

Noice I’ll check it out

Pirate it and find out.

>It's pretty clunky now
already works better than steam ui lol

This pretty much what you're getting

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It's a great game. I mostly love it for the story. It's got a fantastic story that especially shines in the smaller quests.
It heavily stems from European folklore, and there's no pozzed liberal progressiveness in it.

Wow, I was in that thread...

I was too. That shit was 10/10