These are the worst fucking enemies that Fromsoft has ever designed
>massive health bar
>massive posture meter
>attacks have very strange timings and hit like a fucking truck
>very slow parry buildup
>broken grab hitboxes that instakill
>always accompanied by a shitton of ranged+melee to gank you
God I fucking hate these things. The one in revisited Hirata with the shield is the epitome of bad enemy design
These are the worst fucking enemies that Fromsoft has ever designed
Other urls found in this thread:
No grab in Sekiro is an insta kill if you have max life.
Stealth kill, stealth kill everyone.
There's plenty of grabs that are instakill, what are you talking about?
fatty ahead
therefore remember stealth deathblow
>>always accompanied by a shitton of ranged+melee to gank you
That's because alone they're fucking worthless with whatever prosthetic hardcounters them, this isn't even getting into stealth killing them like multiple posts have already pointed out
Hesitation is defeat.
Seems to me someone just has to git gud.
Read the entire sentence, he dropped a hint at the end.
There's like 2 in the whole game, their attacks are a joke to parry and you'd have to stand there doing nothing for like 2 seconds to get caught.
You want bad enemy design, you go to the headless. Even they are a joke with the purple umbrella and the force attack.
i think the best thing about sekiro is how they made the combat around that idea
the only actually badly designed thing about them is terror if you ask me, and maybe the grab which required you to die once yo understand it
theyre fine otherwise and their animations look erratic as intended but are very good so you can still parry his attacks easily
there are like 10 or more taro troopers in the game has i checked.
Looks like the fatties from the chalice dungeons.
Nah the one bad thing about headless fights is needing confetti.
Oh i forgot about that too sorry
yea that part's ass
They’re dumb and slow. You’re supposed to run and hide and wait till they lose interest or search around a stealth kill them.
What's the lore on these guys? Why are they such units?
>always accompanied by a shitton of ranged+melee to gank you
Decide which one you want to stealth kill first, ceramic shard anyone within line of sight to that man to eliminate them, get the stealth kill and either get noticed and use tools/arts/fistfuls of ash to deal with multiple enemies without breaking a sweat or don't get noticed and continue stealth killing until you do. Abuse stealth candies to make it a cakewalk. This shit isn't hard, non-boss/mini-boss enemies in Sekiro are braindead.
get final upgrade to flame vent, free confetti
source : wiki
Taro is a Japanese name for boys, From Japanese 太(ta) meaning "thick, big" and 郎(rou) meaning "son". They have small, child-like heads, making them reminiscent of the man-eater, "Executioner Smough". Their gigantism, and the various lesionsacross their bodies,are likely the result of imbibing Rejuvenating Waters. Lesions and atrophy due to imbibing the waters are found on various enemies, including bandits, zombies, and Senpou monks. The excess skin around their waist suggests that in spite of their size, they are in a constant state of hunger. Their body plan evokes that of the Headless enemies and mimicsthe DS3 Harald Knight. Many among themare charged with buryingthe dead. Ashina Taro Troopers are raised on a diet of Taro Persimmons, which come from the infected ebony trees of Mibu Village
They eat fruit from trees that sprout where the stagnant fountainhead waters flows.
>there are like 10 or more taro troopers in the game has i checked.
Are they carrying bells?
My nigga pic related says what's good.
To be fair, that's basically the point of bloodborne too. That's why so many soulsfags were seething on release because they couldn't hide behind their shields
I don’t even remember what this enemy is and I’ve beaten the game twice, so I doubt he’s that big of a deal
This thing is tougher than most bosses, I dunno if I’d call it badly designed though. His attack timing is hard as fuck to read, but not impossible with patience.
no any of the lone shadows are easily the most absurd enemies in sekiro
second place goes to the strawhat psychos with the double blade spears, I mean what the fuck
>accidentally trigger two of the straw monks
Fug that shit. Only thing worse is trying to fight 4 of the kick ninjas at once.
Straw hats can be insta-killed with anti-air deathblow so who gives a shit about them.
use the spear to pull their armor off you fool
people struggle with lone shadow
why? their moveset is so simple and animations are easy to tell outside of poison
What really bothers me is that there are taro troopers with shields but your axe cant even break them