I have faith in Cyberpunk

do you?

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It still has to chance to fire on all cylinders, themewise. OAG and the like get turned off by the trannies, trannies go in, expecting praise, then being red pulled on Hedonism and its bad traits.

As long as BASED Pondsmith has CDPR by the balls, I think the end product will be alright.

>nigger robots got made into white aryan bots
>taxi driver is even more hilariously punjabi


sure, we'll get the usual tortanicfags but I think it will be a good game

>incredibly vivid and characterful concept art
>what looks like a fucking fallout 4 mod
no i do not

Not really. I mean, I'm hoping for the best because I liked the original and Pondsmith seems to genuinely be a cool guy, but it doesn't look promising anymore, it's more a "please don't fuck up please don't fuck up" emotion.

Back when they released the GIVE HER THE RESPONSIBILITY trailer with the robowhore and the supercop and everything being dark, that was perfect and I was instantly sold. But they've been walking it back since and now I just don't feel confident in it anymore man. Don't feel confident.

Im basically on the same boat as you two

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why does every cyberpunk thing always shoehorn in japanese text onto things i don't get it

I bet it will be a good game that I will enjoy, just not really the game I had initially wanted it to be.

No because it will only be cyberpunk on the surface level
No company large enough would want to dive into the core of the genre's tenets

That driver looks really excited.

I will buy your game now

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Because Blade Runner did it

Back in the 80s it was widely believed that Japan would become a superpower in the same level as the United States so Japanese was expected to be widely used internationally in the future like English is, thus incorporated into cyberpunk works to reflect this.

Nowadays? It's just aesthetics.

Japan was going to be the next superpower when they were making cyberpunk, and it got written that way in many formulative works.

because neuromancer did it

This game will be redpill as fuck

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This is where I stand. It seems to be an RPG in the way Witcher is, just with character creation.

I do hope it'll be good but they seem to be very reluctant to release new footage, which does make me wonder if they're confident in their work.

I am lowkey hoping the game gets delayed again

Japan was expected to be world leader in technology and become superpower through it.

the teaser promised me i was going to choose my role , like cop or rockerboy.
The game is just a generic open world shooter now.

I just finished a complete playhrough of Witcher 3.
Yep Im hyped

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The niggas turned into white cyber niggas. Sort of a good theme to keep, how humanity can and will slowly destroy its own culture and history in favor of tech.

They can go suck a dick, though. The game's gonna be ass regardless. But then again we all know it's gonna sell well, normies are the majority and they will eat that mediocre shit up.

The black guys looked better...Holy shit that pic is the definition of soul vs soulless

Because at the time it was believed the japanese economy was never going to stop growing and getting stronger, allowing them greater influence in the world. Do people on this board not realize that the genre was created by taking real world influences and not just retarded rule of cool?

It is redpilled but the whale wants le slippery slope and so we have an equivalent of fujo-bait

Being forced to develop for underpowered bitchmode consoles ruined the visual style, out of sheer lack of GPU processing power, and ruining the visual style ruined the game.


white facepaint on human ape is still human ape

Because Cyberpunk is what people in the 80s thought the future would look like.

I have both no hope and a shit ton of hope.
>Will it be what I originally envisioned
Hell no. But nothing will be cyberpunk vampire the masquerade mmo storyline (where based on choices and class the whole story will be drastically different and never share the same quests/events as the other classes/choices)
>will it be good
Strong possibility but strong possibility of fucking it up big time.
>will it carry the cyberpunk soul like neuromancer and Johnny mneumonic
I have no idea. I want to say no, but they could surprise me.

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