This is a japanese childrens video game character

This is a japanese childrens video game character.

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Ever played this hidden gem?

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I know this is bait because you added the extra slash in front of r/gaming

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Did you preorder trannypunk 2077 yet?

no it's too political >_

I love Marnie

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>This is a japanese childrens video game character.
What, you haven't had a crush on a chick when you were ten or something?

What about it, kids have tried looking gothy and edgy for the past 20 years.

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have you been on reddit lately? there's more porn there than here.

>main shill girl of her generation
>still less popular that an unshilled minor side character of the previous generation.
Why? How?

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Marnie has way more fanart than that piece of shit does retard

Marnie and Lillie are both top tier
it's the gross hags like Melony and Wicke who get forgotten 1 month after the games come out

Get out. Your kind aren’t welcome here

>Top tier

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Fill in the blank:
Marnie's _____

The Nintendo community needs to deal with their pedophile problem

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Now post what she actually looks like in-game rather than being drawn by some incel pervert.

How did they create such a good side character?

Aside from the maid costume the other 2 drawings of her in the OP pic are pretty much exactly how she looks in Sword and Shield you dumbass.

Blue hair, cute deadpan, quietly and insanely talented, the implications of having a hot mom
Suiren is perfect

Attached: __suiren_barboach_chinchou_shellder_whiscash_and_etc_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_asuteroid__0f9fdb54d2c5b5f7c10cdfbd8610b385.jpg (4096x1828, 763.68K)

Attached: __mary_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_oomura_yuusuke_and_sugimori_ken__ef96a448935074301aefff59b4fd11f8[1].png (1942x3462, 2.03M)

Why are the creators so obsessed with this type of cute and funny character design?

Actually I’ll do it myself. Posting fan art of any kind on Yas Forums should be a permaban.

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plus we've had edgy/goth/punk girls in cartoons for decades now

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Oh yeah, totally the same. Fucking faggot. Fuck you.

I love Serena!

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is this official art? hmm?


Attached: marnie11.jpg (640x360, 68.79K)

Yes, she looks the same you stupid faggot. What is the difference between the drawing of her on the left and her in game model?


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Oh wow she looks the same.

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Oh yes, this blocky, big headed character model looks just like those coomer drawings. Fuck you.

why did they give her such a dog shit haircut?
she looked perfect in x/y and then the anime took a giant shit on her


So you cant point out any difference? Okay. Thanks for admitting I'm right moron.

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If she's 10+ years old she's an adult in the Pokemon world.

I haven't seen the new series, does Marnie have equally as awesome moments in it as Lana in the old one?

Attached: Lana fishing.webm (1280x720, 2.43M)