My roommates and I were just talking about annoying enemies in our favorite vidya...

my roommates and I were just talking about annoying enemies in our favorite vidya. What's the most annoying enemy you've faced Yas Forums? Mine is this fucking faggot

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First time playing NV.
"Oh look another bug enemy, time to get some easy xp"

Yup fuck these niggas talked about them too.

>didn't get the headshot? Now you have to deal with him
But there's three of them on a bullet sponge, fuck these guys

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hateful virago is much worse

Fuck this

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Cripple Them

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Virago is the least dangerous of the champion enemies.

Yeah, he is annoying but quite manageable if you know his pattern. My least favorite are the dogs.

My favorite part of Soulslikes is how many enemies will ruin an impatient or nervous player. Speaking of which I treat every one of these fucks like a walking nuclear warhead. I'm more comfortable with every boss in the game than I am with one of these spastic assholes showing up in a hallway.

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Blocking your heals can be pretty devastating, especially considering that the weald has particularly hard-hitting enemies.

I swear to God I lost more than 6 heroes total to these.

I fucking forgot about these bitches when these spawn in I just retreat.

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>blows up your land your structures and surprises you out of nowhere because you forget a single torch somewhere

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this phucker

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Thing is Viragos spawn with fairly weak enemies like fungal zombies and maggots (which don't even leave corpses) and her gimmick is countered by dots, crits, and the numerous abilities that clear corpses. The Virago's abilities aren't scary either, just the passive mushroom shit.

Who dis?

why are dog enemies always awful in literally every video game?

Phaggot Lancer, can't you read?

low to the ground usually slightly faster than average enemy and stuns/qte but theyre just doing their best

I was hard filtered by these fucking spiders for damn near an hour before I figured out to shade soul, and dream nail to recharge.
Lost 5k geo because the shade spawned behind one and I was too much of a tard to get past it. Even now that I know how to beat them I hate having to fight them and still haven't gone back to Herrah's nest to get the last 2 for my journal.

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No I'm legally blind

Wheely devils!

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>mfw in Java they activate their detonation as they fall down from a ledge
>almost instant detonation as they hit the ground
give me a fucking break

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they pretty much only hit straight in front of them, you just have to be ready to dodge out when they do the 360 grab after

Squiggy ghast is the easiest by a fucking mile

If you don't kill him on turn one then the whole party is going to get 30+ stress.

I avoided the Champion Warrens during my entire last playthrough.

Honestly FPBP. These fuckers are the bane of my childhood vidya.

Usually starts in the back, so you got 2 at most to fuck with him after he uses maddening shanty on one of your dudes

I always use a smoke bomb on these fuckers. They aren’t deadly but annoying af.

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True but he has a high speed stat and he usually comes paired with a Guardian. God help you if he spawns with a Guardian and a Bloated Thrall.