Sound threads are back faggot!

>What's a soundthread?
A few years ago anons figured out how to embed sounds into images and you could hear the sounds using an extension. But embedding files into images is against the rules so moot banned them
>So why are you making a thread about it then?
A few anons figured out how to cause images and webms to play sounds without embedding them that means THEY ARE NOT AGAINST THE RULES ANY MORE MODS AND ARE JUST AS ON TOPIC AS WEBM THREADS
>Ok, how do I play the sounds?
Download this small Yas Forums x extension Forums-external-sounds
Requires Yas Forums x and Greasemonkey but you faggots have that installed anyways if you aren't a newfag.
I'll be posting a few sounds to get you faggots started and a few others anons made from last thread.

Attached: hoss [].jpg (500x500, 46.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: ulmeyda [].jpg (474x335, 22.04K)

Attached: [].jpg.jpg.jpg (1109x743, 394.52K)

Attached: jc [].jpg (600x733, 29.17K)

Attached: Oh my god[].png (281x328, 95.33K)

cringe and reddit af

hot loli catgirls inside

Attached: Loli Catgirls[].gif (327x251, 1.69M)

why put yourself your down like that bro?

Attached: lightupthenight[].jpg (1050x720, 276.98K)

>putting stuff that doesn't belong in images is back

Attached: fbi watchan this thread.gif (300x580, 432.16K)