How is he going to die?

How is he going to die?

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In a knock-down drag-out fight with Odin

Baldur's mom gets a sex change and beats him to death with a gold club.

He will probably revive somehow. He's definitely the one killing either Odin or Thor. Now an actual permanent death will probably happen in a third trilogy. Probably against someone like Ra or Set.

He'll die to Thor in GoW's intro, it'll be a humbling expercience. Then he'll climb out of Hel, come back and go after the other Aesir. Really, its going to play out like GOW2 minus the Zeus subplot.

hasn't he died like 3 times now?

Probably him and Thor killing each other or something

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Commits sudoku after watching Boy get fucked by a horse.

Next game he starts killing Japanese gods

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OP really needs to play the original games, kek

No you see this time it will be for good because, uh...Norse god magic is different

4 times actually.Once in GoW1, 2, 3 and before that Chains of Olympus.

Him and Odin kill eachother at the same time. Atreus hunts Thor for the rest of the game.

Falling into the River Styx in 3 doesn't really count as dying

What if Abby crosses over to GOW and eats him to death with a golf club? Will Kratos come out of Hell and then kill her with a golf club back?

>and eats him to death

whew, how many times has Kratos been vored

Killed by a tranny.

Odin fucks him to death

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Thor fight. He barely survived his first fight with balder. even at the end of his second fight he had to mention he barely had the strength to finish the climb up the jotun mountain. Thor should be like 20x stronger than balder and kratos will be even older when he shows up. Just my prediction

she'll just kill him again lol

He stabbed himself with the BOO. He actually died, but couldn't pass on because Hades is dead and so is Thanatos. He also finds out hes cursed.

he IS the snake

He died the day that shitty game came out.

cody balrog kinda got cucked with his thor concept
he was going to give a thor people wouldn't be expecting by making him really overweight and sloppy looking

then avengers went and did that

Thor in the game was described as a fat, moronic brute anyways. It'll likely come out in 2023 which is enough time for people to forget some bad movie.

Thor (who is now a m2f) will beat Kratos to death with mjolnir in front of Atreus, you will then play as Thor for the rest of the game as you hunt down Atreus

I liked fat thor from the movie though, honestly his fat body was more heroic in a way because it was like daddys here to take care of business now

Killed by Loki according to the prophecy.

>third trilogy
I seriously doubt they're gonna be extending the series that long, unless they make a complete reboot of the series and current lore up to this point

either that or delve into some ancient egyptian reincarnation shit

You mean his kid

I'm pretty sure the game spoils near the end that Atreus (original name Loki) will be the one killing Kratos