miss me yet?
Miss me yet?
I missed her the second I played 5 minutes of UC4.
I don't like women
So fucking ironic
Reminder that (((Druckmann))) pushed her out with company politics so he could steal her job. Now he virtue signals about feminism at every opportunity
uhhh....we didn't push her out? only a retard changes a winning formula up.
Fucking hell Uncharted 4 was incredibly soulless. The one thing I enjoyed about Uncharted was the supernatural enemies and they cucked us out of ghost pirates. Fuck Druckmann, the story was all over the place, Nadine added nothing and Rafe was wasted. Why were there 3 antagonists. Jesus Christ what a shitfest. Madagascar was ok I guess.
Still seething about the lack of ghost pirates.
you dont like stronk womyn user? white men protags are out of style. nathan had to go.
>a woman is actually the god guy the whole time
How did he do that ?
>ywn have a papa nate father-son duo uncharted game
Not sure because Hennig is too classy to talk about it publicly. All she said is she left due to "creative differences". Which is a polite way of saying they had a falling out. Even some of the original voice actors who were cast for Uncharted 4 decided to walk away when Hennig "quit". So something negative clearly happened. Then Druckmann immediately jumped in the spotlight and started taking credit for everything
whats his obsession with underage looking girls
Uncharted was always a shit
TLOU is a shit
Naughty Dog is shit
Amy Hennig's okay but her movi- I mean, her games don't have cutscenes devoted to having ugly, muscley women violently attack the character you're playing as, in a weird drawn-out and almost fetishistic manner.
Clearly she needs more scenes with that happening.
virtue signaling soys like druckmannstein usually virtue signal so hard because they're projecting. dude is probably secretly a woman hating pedo or at the very least has a lot of fucked up fetishes
American Psycho was adapted and directed by two women who may or may not have been in a lesbian relationship.
I've missed you for ages, Amy.
Hennig was always right and deserved better. Fuck Druckmann.
He's a Jew.
This 100%. The cutscenes from the leak look like a fucking snuff film.
So that's why the British dude sounds so scuffed
UC4 story is shady, but she wasn't in charge of TLOU, not that anything would changed.
the daughter looked ugly and should have been aborted
I dropped ND games the moment she left man. Amy is the sole reason i gave Uncharted a try in the first place.
wonder if this has any validity to it.
how bad is uc4?
It's kind of funny to think that naughty dog stuff looks better on her resume even though soul reaver has some of the best written dialogue that elevates a 13 year old edgy boy's convoluted wet dream into actual art.
>she-hulk woman beating Ellie to a pulp and slitting lesnose's throat is feminism
You know this dude is into some sick shit. Can't wait until he gets MeToo'd like all male feminist.
Not really, Uncharted 3 fucking sucked, BITCH
good gameplay but everything else is fucking shit
she's a misogynist
This. I might have dogged Uncharted 3 for being a bit sloppy but fuck me it still shines in comparison to 4. So many walk and talk moments which just banal "banter", like Drake had all of his personality surgically removed.
>You know this dude is into some sick shit. Can't wait until he gets MeToo'd like all male