The gaming industry would unironically be better if it was just xbox and pc

the gaming industry would unironically be better if it was just xbox and pc

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Xbox is the cancer of the industry
fuck subscriptions fuck microsoft

So just PC games then?

i bet you only love western games too you faggot

the gaming industry would unironically be better if it was just sega and NEC

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>the gaming industry would unironically be better if it was just consoles
FTFY. why even make pc ports when most of them only pirate


Microsoft should just buy sony and nintendo and make the xboxstation DS and dominate the market

it's sad how developers have to waste their time with inferior hardware like ps4 and switch
there is literally no argument for weaker hardware

Nah, should be Sony and Nintendo

i agree. sony have done enough damage to this industry to be given a chance to exist any longer.

sony is responsible for all of the movie games being made nowadays, they are the real cancer

Xbox exclusives are objectively better than Playstations but the one major drawback of Xbox is that god awful UI. Shit actually makes me want to vomit. Whichever retard designed it should be fired. Xbox hasnt had a good UI since the early days of 360.

they were the first to push and popularize gender politics and all this cancerous garbage in gaming. fuck sony.

what did we ever do to you user? we're just playing our multiplat vidya in peace

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what have they contributed to the industry?

I love mah xbox and gamepass. Played 50+ games because of that since feb 2019

Hi Discord. Xbox is cancer. :)

lmao the tranny console is calling us discord. cmom brah wise up, we taking over next gen

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Tell Me Why :)

if there was some discord they wouldn't do anything on some random anonymous imageboard nobody gives a shit about. this place also happens to house the most bitter retards to ever exist so nobody would take anything seriously posted here anyway. the utter moron who spammed those 13.3 ps5 threads basically killed any chance of this place being believed even for leaks and now sony are considered a joke because of him setting super high expectations for the ps5.

>GAYLO #738494
>WHOREZA 2̶0̶1̶8̶ 2019

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In other words, just PC.

>no backwards compatibility
>weak hardware
>terrible controller design with useless LEDs and touchpads to appeal to 10 year olds
>playstation drones only use their consoles to play Fortnite, NBA 2k and call of duty
>weaker hardware than the xbox two gens in a row
>exclusives this gen are going to be the same as last gen, cinematic tech demos with no gameplay
>xbox series x is able to run gears 5 in 4k 60fps with every setting set to ultra (I should specify that it runs in REAL 4k, I know you PlayStation tards are used to getting fake checkerboarding)
>not able to raytrace in realtime unlike the xbox series x which can run Minecraft raytracing in 4k 30fps
>no upgradeable storage
>censorship, something even a childrens game console like Nintendo Switch doesnt do
>Last of Us leaks show Sony doesnt give a shit about quality control
>first party sony games have trannies in them

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The gaming industry would unironically be better if it was just cunny

COPE pcfag. xbox sex is more powerful than a 2080ti.

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You mean Xbox and Nintendo.

>Triggered over an actual tranny game

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stop coping its just sad

>PC but worse


Sony is fucking dead, they are soulless as you can get.

They said the same last gen, see where that went you retarded child. Do you literally not know how technology like this works and how its constantly evolving?

I rather just have Microsoft and Nintendo, thank you very much.

>Another ESL

The only people who said consoles was going to be better than PCs were sonyfags at the start of this gen, people that had an xbox knew by far that consoles were releasing behind PCs since people that had an xbox 360 also had some awareness about hardware