Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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The dumb tranny.

The kike tranny

The tranny tranny

The crying tranny

the guy in control of the stream for not at least muting it while this was happening. that crazy lady got exactly what she wanted.

can someone link it


Can you stop?

All of their parents for not using condoms

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would go to a charity event and preach without a bigger crowd

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wow everyone in this situation handled it poorly

t. Cosmo

Man, could you imagine the hot shit he'd have ended up in if he sneakily muted his mic and wasn't caught until it was too late

Why do women feel compelled to ruin things for everyone?

you for continuing to make this thread every fucking week

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can you dilate?

have sex



rent free


the dead granny. only faggots gets cancer

The real question is
why do you insist on making this same exact thread everyday?


i am autistic and alone


correct answer right here


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The woman for thinking anyone would care enough about her knitting enough to ask her why she is doing that.

You OP for not using maxresdefault which is superior. Even master1200 is better then faggy hqdefault

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