Comfy DMC thread

What's next for wacky wahoo pizza homeless man

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Dante and Vergil coming back from Hell
Nero pizza delivery adventure

Or what I want: the story or Sparda, DmC 0

Hopefully 5 Special Edition.

I want Dante and Vergil's adventures featuring Demi-Fiend from the shin megoomi tensai series

why do japs idolise american trash junk food? pizza from delivery outlets is usually disgusting and tastes like pure grease on soggy bread and cardboard

Retirement I hope
Give me a game focused on Vergil and Nero doing some father and son bonding

Dante can go out to crossover in other franchises. He deserves to be Mr. Capcom more than Ryu, Megaman, or Chris.

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Clearly, adventures in hell with his brother.
Personally I want more Patty and Lucia please

Maybe he'll finally make the devil cry.

U knoe

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I'd like a more "casual" (not in terms of gameplay) DMC game, that's a bit closer to the anime, with different minor stories being solved in a detective sort of way. Essentially, have Devil May Cry with Dante, Nero, Lady, Trish and Vergil solving different cases by typical DMC gameplay.

he comes back from hell with his brother and he starts a pizza business

dmc5 is shit in every single way possible, if you like this garbage you are just an underage faggot

Imagine playing a DMC game with no air taunt

as i said, underage faggots caring about stupid shit and not the actual game

air taunt is essential both for Nero as additional aerial evasion, chance to max act, and for Dante as 2ndary air launcher

I know you’re memeing but I would fucking love that

>HD lucia DT form
my dick is ready.

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why would you guys want Lucia back? she looks like a trans

Let me guess, DMC1 is your favorite?

Nope, it’s 2

Who knows,but hopefully the next game won't have shit gravity

Why did Nero grow back a normal arm instead of his demon one? If they make 6, they better give him has damn demon arm back.

why do you even reply to someone who came here just to flame lmao

because vaguely humanoid femals with VERY exotic bodies makes my pp turn into PP

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Something tragic with vergil as to explain how he blocked out the memory of fucking a woman. Like dante said, I wanna hear that story.

I finished DMC5 last week and I started DMC3 yesterday, how did I let such a great series go under my radar for so long? I'll probably try the Bayo series after I beat DMC3 and 4 unless you guys have any other recommendations?

there are plenty of those in brazil

The next project was already gonna take a while cause they booked it as a next gen release but now with all the Corona jazz it's not really progressing much

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Why do we have to stuck with Teppen? Just give us Capcom vs. Capcom fightan, or Anarchy reigns like arena fighter. Capcom literally has the best roster in vidya.

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go for Bayo but expect QTEs

how canon was that exactly anyway? if i remember right it was something like this
>Dante goes into Hell in DMC2
>Dante ends up going through some dimensional bullshit and pops out in SMT Earth while killing a fuckton of Demons
>Gets hired by Demi-Fiend about halfway though his stay in hell
>Dante leaves, feeling a lot better and less depressed after killing a shitton of demons (and potentially gods) and making a new friend
personally I had the headcanon that they were at least semi-close friends, given that Demi-Fiend was kind of new to the "being part demon" thing, and Dante's obvious improvement post 2

Unironically play Bayo after 3 and 4. She really is just Dante with tits, plus the combat’s kino