Games that would invoke genuine happiness and glee such as pic related?

Games that would invoke genuine happiness and glee such as pic related?

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Nintendo games

If I get stuck on a difficult but enjoyable game, that's usually how it ends.

whatever your favorite game is.

The last of us 2

The Last of Us 2

for Yas Forums? shit like Metal Gear Rising Revengence
for me? nothing

when did Yas Forums become so soulless? I get that Yas Forums might have too many frogs and wojacks sometimes but Yas Forumsmods turned into fags that dont let you have any kind of fun

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the only thread worth it on Yas Forums are the Dragon Ball Super threads

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I got banned from all of Yas Forums for a few days because I made a joke insinuating that Fran Drescher might have liked it that time when she got raped by black males in the '80s
obv this was on Yas Forums

Not a game.

for me, its trolling JoJo threads with headcanon bullshit

>Violates a rule
>gets surprised cuz he got banned

>Frogposting and wojackposting
lol, underage are not allowed in Yas Forums

how is that violating a rule?

>Games that would invoke genuine happiness and glee such as pic related?

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Then leave?

based poo-in-the-loo roastie

*insert character here* getting into smash

Iel literally just got banned on Yas Forums because I made a thread shitting on jojo. But the other threads are still up I wonder what the mods are thinking

probably thought you were the same "le part 4 BAD" spammer that makes a thread every got damn day

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yeah jojofags are pretty retarded they'll fall for anything, and any bait.

>even normalfags are naming the söyboy now

fuck Yas Forums and fuck wojack posters, this is now a midna thread

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If Midna had a futanari dick I'd suck it, no questions asked!

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The Last of Us

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