What will it take for them to earn your trust again?

What will it take for them to earn your trust again?

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Being open with your consumers is a great way to gain fans trust.

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a good game for once would be nice

Just make consistently good games holy shit this shouldn't be this hard

Several good games in succession.
At least 3.

If they openly stated the next game will be mediocre schlop. I'd definitely trust them about that.

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Outside of Sonic they haven't actually made a bad game yet

>Western release of PSO2
>Xbox and Win10 only
how do they keep blowing it

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>Sega decides to say that the next game will be dogshit
>It actually ends up being a masterpiece
Couldn’t even get that right

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one good 2D game and one good 3D game.

Reverse psychology is the only way.

At least a full decade of stellar games

>trusting corporate entities in any way whatsoever

Sell the sonic IP to Nintendo

when sega pulls the plug on SONIC TEAM entirely. or replaces the entire team and rebrand.

>Games become great classics
>Nintendo kills the comics
>Kills Sonic being mutlimedia in general
>Fires Whitehead and Hesse
>Kills any and all fan content
A big cost.

What have they made outside of Sonic?

dumb but nice trips though

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stop releasing 3D games and make more 2D side scroller games

Put Whitehead in a permanent position as head dev, give him his own team, and fire everyone else even remotely involved with the franchise in the past 10 years.

Make three good video games in succession.

>get great gameplay
>gameplay also becomes extremely safe
>music is forgettable
>comics are dead/mercy killed

Sorry I don't think I can give up the music.

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>Burning Rangers
>Chuchu Rocket
>Samba de Amigo
>PSO/Phantasy Star
>Puyo Puyo
>Billy Hatcher
>Feel the Magic

>fire everyone else even remotely involved with the franchise in the past 10 years.
Even Iizuka? The guy's been part of the team since Sonic 3 and personally greenlighted Mania

Didn't Iizuka also help with level design?


5 back to back 10/10s and nothing short of it. They have fucked us long enough and are practically beyond redemption.

That could work. But at the cost of actual decent fan work getting killed off, and who knows if the music will be the same level under Nintendo hands. I don't know if it's a risk I'm willing to take

I just want a new NiGHTS game (or movie).

First and foremost: Kill the current development paradigm for 3D Sonic. First and foremost, it doesn't really HAVE a paradigm. It's one-part time-trial racing game, one-part QTE, one-tenth-part platforming. It's a mixture of the most incompatible elements of each system, leading to level design and gameplay design that never makes for a compelling gameplay loop, and is possibly incapable at the conceptual level. Start again from the questions that must have been posed as of Sonic Adventure: "How do we take fast, responsive gameplay with at least rational physics, and transfer that to 3D?" Look at the 3D fangames we've had over time (like Utopia), see what commonalities they have, and try to strive for something similar. Make a game whose engine makes gameplay feel self-driven enough to make players want to come back.

Admit to being btfo by Mania team and openly willing to work with foreigners. They are far too Xenophobic to be handling an IP that's mostly panders to the west and the west fanbase is a 100 to 1 ratio to Japanese non existance fanbase.