This is old news nigger. RE4 needs a remake anyways.
It doesn't NEED a remake at all. I'm curious to see how it turns out, but no one asked for this and no one but the suits at konami thought this was a great idea.
>RE4 needs a remake anyways.
No, it really doesn't.
>RE4 needs a remake anyways.
>no one asked for this
Who didn't ask for this exactly user?
I want it, but considering how badly Capcom stripped down REmake 3 I'm not really hyped for it.
They should just focus on Dragons Dogma 2. I need more of that. I'm tired of playing Dragons Dogma 1 and running BBI for the 1000th time.
I shudder to imagine the Ashley changes. Not only her design, but gameplay-wise. She's probably one of the best escort NPCs to exist, and I doubt they'll improve on that in any way.
I'm confused about REmake 3. Didn't they handed that game to a B team which explained why it was shit?
At this rate, they're going to remake RE8 before RE8.
So they are just skipping Code Veronica X then? Even though it was kind of ass, it definitely had some great moments such as pic related and Wesker grabbing Claire by the neck and throwing her. Guess that makes Darkside Chronicles the only "modern" iteration of CVX.
It's still just a rumour from a single source and kill yourself
Yea, I think the same B team is remaking RE4. Capcom constantly trying to outsource game development is really going to kill them. They had a hot streak with DMCV, REmake 2, MM11, and MHW but then they dropped the ball with RE3. I heard 3 wasn't even bad, but the cut content and supposedly bad bosses make me want to wait for a noteworthy sale first.
Here’s your R4make Ashley. She likes the pronouns them/her/xer
>I think the same B team is remaking RE4
I hope that's just a rumor. Otherwise this remake is also going to suck
i'll take 50
The bosses were pretty good actually, except that they basically copy paste one twice. The big problem was that Nemesis only dynamically chases you around in one area two times, then the rest of the game you're just fighting him as a boss or running away from him as a setpiece chase scene.
Fucking retard.
If that's true it might be fine. Seems like RE3 was trying something else but the success of RE2 made them reroute course resulting in a mismash. Maybe RE4R will be more realized.
Should round out their PS library if they're going to insist on remakes. Dino Crisis has been neglected since 3 bombed. What's the point of 4 when it's the model of modern RE gameplay, and there's been HD releases on every generation since its release.
why do capcomfags love getting dicked by capcom so much?
Because it's a very safe bet that it'll sell well. It has arguably the most popular character in the series and is one of the most influential and acclaimed games of all time.
>I hope that's just a rumor. Otherwise this remake is also going to suck
Dude, you're legitimately fucking stupid if you think there's ANY chance Capcom in 2020 can improve upon RE4. RE4 is a rare masterpiece of the sort that they don't fucking know how to do these days. They don't understand game design on that level anymore.
By the way, the sheer length of RE4 means any remake is going to cut more than half of its content.
re4 is perfectly enjoyable today you cunt.
>Even though it was kind of ass
That's precisely why it needs a remake, especially since it was the original RE3 but Sony stepped in and said no because muh exclusivity.
At worst it's a bad remake. I can always play the original if needed too,
That's what I'm afraid of. They cut shit from RE3 which was like a 6 hour game with not that many areas. RE4 is a 15 hour game with a fucking assload of unique areas and setpieces. I'm betting if they remake it we'll get the Village in full, and maybe most of the castle and have the game end there instead of the island. Or the island will be massively stripped down to a setpiece area where you fight Krauser and then Saddler.
>Because it's a very safe bet that it'll sell well
And then what? They release their shitty RE4make that everybody's going to hate because there's no way they come even close to the original, and then they're stuck with a bunch of properties nobody ever cared about and zero goodwill from the fans. RE4 remake is something like FF7 remake, something that you build up for years and years and years. RE4make should not be attempted before at least two console generations from now.
Every RE game is still enjoyable. If you haven't beaten RE1-3 and played the REmakes as a replacement of them then you're not really an RE fan.
Capcom was on the ball for a while. If they could consistently release good games they'd easily be one of the best devs around. Having fantastic platformers, fighters, survival horror and action games all stemming from 1 developer is nuts.
It will be half as long at best and people will defend it with "THE CASTLE AND ISLAND SUCKED ANYWAY!!!"
I'm hyped.
>And then what?
Nothing, it sells well, that's what a company wants. And their next RE will probably sell well too. The fact that RE6 didn't kill the series is proof of that.
>not the mess that is Code Veronica
>not the mess that is RE:0
>not Dino Crisis
>butchering RE4 and rereleasing it for the 40th time
it's all so tiresome
Where did this meme come from? 10 years ago, Yas Forums almost universally praised it as the best in the franchise.
I've never played it, despite owning it on ps2.
Why are people actually against his, seems like a stupid thing to hate on
>remaking 4
I bet they put the A-team on 4 and just b-teamed the shit out of 3 which is why it's missing so many assets.
I like 1 and 2, but re3 is oof. not a fan of the level design or the dodge-focused combat since zombies are faster and I think sturdier too. re2 did a perfect mix.
new = bad
The island had the scariest thing in the whole series. Until you find the infrared scope at least.
DC was made to cash in on the JP hype and since then dinosaurs and their games have fallen out of style.
RE4 is on the same "untouchable" legendary status as Ocarina of Time. While the OoT remakes got a pass because of them basically being the same game but better graphics, the new Resident Evil remakes are brand new games. So naturally a lot of people are afraid of changing the core gameplay that made it so good.