ITT: Post the exact moment a series peaked

ITT: Post the exact moment a series peaked.

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u first?

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woops wrong image haha

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2 posts in and butthurt zoomers already invaded the thread. Hilarious.

no one thinks GS was good retrospectively with that shit level scaling

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>no one thinks GS was good retrospectively

Please be shitpost.

Is level scaling is the worst thing you can say about the game, then it’s not that bad. Also you suck

>GSC was the series peak
>When HGSS was objectively better
Anyway posting an actual, real, non-shitposty answer.
Prove me wrong
You can't.

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Was only a matter of time. Also where are her breasts? I thought she was a girl.

>gutted Kanto with nothing to do
>shit mon distribution, Gen 2 Pokemon are almost exclusively found in Kanto
>Elite Four is a joke

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>worse music
>shit redesigns
>worse mechanics
>forced railroading
>forced tutorials
>"""objectively better"""

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>2 posts in and butthurt zoomers already invaded the thread. Hilarious.

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I got my first erection as a kid from this.

That's not Imperishable Night


The game boy color games weren't half bad.

Was I the only one who wasn't blown away by this as a kid? Most of Gen 2 is "REMEMBER THAT CHARACTER FROM GEN 1", that I felt like running into Red was just gonna happen.

Iris was fun and her theme is also good. But she ain't got shit on Red.

>Worse music
Game literally gives you an item to replace the music, only downside is that it's postgame.
That said, the additions made to the ost were absolute kino
>Every Legendary Beast gets its own arrangement
>New arrangements for Ho-oh and Lugia
>Cinnabar gets a theme that it actually deserves instead of a generic bgm like in the original Gen II games

>shit redesigns
Eh, not really. tbqh I think most of the characters look better in the newer style, and Lyra looks like a dork but the eternal seething of Krisfags makes her addition worth it.

>worse mechanics
kk nostalgiafag.

>forced railroading
Not really, it's about as open as the originals were.

>forced tutorials
Yeah starting the game feels a bit slower, but it's not so bad that I'd rather play the originals. And tbqh the forced tutorials in this one were more bearable than in FRLG.

IN is a great game but I think it's a bit overrated. It's the most ambitious Touhou game, but I don't really care for the core mechanics.

>Game literally gives you an item to replace the music
Doesn't matter when you still have to suffer through terrible noisy remixes.

>Eh, not really.
Eh, yes really. I'll take soulful designs over generic moeshit, thanks.

>kk nostalgiafag.
kk zoomer.

>Not really, it's about as open as the originals were.
Yes really. You're no longer allowed to go to Mahogany Town until after beating Jasmine.

>Yeah starting the game feels a bit slower,
The entire game is slower thanks to gen 4's shitty engine.

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IN mechanics are simple but feel good. Not focusing is dangerous but rewards you with extra lifes, focusing is good for stalling and getingt your power to max. I also like the idea of bullets that are only visibible and damaging to Youkai. Cherry border is cool for highscore runs but overall I find it lackluster in comparision to IN mechanics. The fact that you can't control when it appears doesn't help.

Shut up

>games allows you to either pick asuka or homura
>skirting shadows's theme plays during the fight if you pick asuka
>burst's theme plays if you pick homura
>fight itself is really challenging and fun so long as you don't autistically grind max level to spam shinobi arts
I know Deep Crimson is the better game and has another cool ass rival fight, but Shinovi Versus's rival fight to the fucking best fight and the series peak.

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>You're no longer allowed to go to Mahogany Town until after beating Jasmine.
Wrong, you just need to grab surf and you're good to go.

>Not focusing is dangerous but rewards you with extra lifes
What? Lives are linked to collecting score items my guy, not score itself. No-focus is good for scoring.
Also worth noting that Youkai can't be harmed by familiars while Humans can, which is neat. Doesn't come up much at all aside from during Stage 4, but still.

This was the peak of pokemon and Johtofags are faggots. That is all.

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*blocks your path*

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B2W2/Plat/HGSS is the holy trinity.

pokemonfags are so annoying

Yes, and more score items drop if you go unfocused. Finish stage one only focus and then with no focus and you will see the difference.

The peak

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Where would you rank emerald? I thought it was pretty solid and sometimes moreso than HGSS.


Left looks like he's a 40 year old manlet.

>But she ain't got shit on Red.
Iris' team is actually good and she isn't a multi-region jobber like Red.

You only need an Ice Type and Iris becomes a joke.

Actual peak coming through
Yes I know fan content is cheating

>Entire national dex available from the beginning and great distribution of Pokemon
>Re-typing, move balance and more that is far and above what game freak has done
>Trainer fights are actually mildly challenging and intelligent. They have more interesting teams and more than two Pokemon.
>All Pokemon available, including legendary mons placed organically in the world
>Great post-game content from B/W2, and original post game content

It's the best experience with Pokemon I've ever had

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>The fact that you can't control when it appears doesn't help
except you can, turboshitter

>forget shes packing Lapras and Aggron

gen 3 battlefrontier. Anything past 2d doesnt work.

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>No-focus is good for scoring.
Yes, because we all know Marisa solo is great for scoring.


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People born after 1994 should be allowed to post.

Oh, didn't know that. Neat if true.

I mean I have to preface this by saying that, of all the "pre-3DS" generations, Gen III is probably my least favorite.
That being said, Emerald is solid. I think it does a number of things well, and the addition of Battle Frontier is kino. On the flip side, I feel that Emerald has an even weaker story than RS, I don't like the arbitrary limitations that natdex being locked to post-game places, I think Wallace is kind of a lame champion, probably the lamest in the series history, and Rayquaza really shouldn't be available pre-E4.


No you can't really faggot. You can argue that if you don't collect cherry points you can control when you get to 50k points but that's it. There is no button you can use to activate it whenever you want.

Oh fuck, that shit was awesome, being able to get some Pokemons that evolve by trade just by using items was the best
Also goddamn were some fights challenging but also incredibly fun
10/10 experience

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Because he's next to a ftm.

I really like B2W2 and HGSS, but why is Platinum in there?
For the record I'm not saying it doesn't deserve to be in there, it's just been a good while since I played it last.

Her Lapras and her Aggron ain't really a problem. It's her fucking Archeops that's a huge bitch.

It's definitive Sinnoh. Great regional dex, expansive post-game, fairly challenging as far as Pokemon goes, distortion world is a cool climax to Plasma as antagonists. It's kind of amazing how much they fixed going from the garbage heap that was DP going into Plat.

The trinity is Emerald/Plat/BW2

HGSS is shit

>but why is Platinum in there?
Because Platinum is the King of Gen 4.

>It's her fucking Archeops that's a huge bitch.


HGSS fixes a lot of Gen 2, but doesn't change the fact that you can fucking auto-pilot through 95% of that game because it's the easiest Pokemon game ever made.

then time your borders correctly, you turboshitter
>poc at the right times and weave around cherry items if you need to
>shooting a boss while unfocused increases your cherry by a lot
>shooting a boss while focused barely increases cherry
>cancelling a boss attack with more bullets on the screen gives more cherry
>manually cancelling borders with a ton of bullets on the screen (start of stage 4, start of extra/phantasm) can even give you borders by themselves
you can even collect point items at their max value without needing to poc

>Play Renegade Platinum
>Get to the ghost gym
>Get killed three times in a row from her spamming status effects and health items
Please tell me this game is less bullshit than Renegade Platinum is.

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