El ogro

El ogro...

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dat gyno


>Are ya golfin daughter?

La criatura de los Estados Unidos

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La cosa...

La atrocidad...
La pesadilla de dios...
las tinieblas....


Can we agree this is the worst character in vidya?
>kills MC from last game
>made the new MC job hard
>you’re forced to play as him
is just that nigress in uncharted 4 again

el ferro nono...

Why do western devs do this???

is a mtf or a ftm?
because a ftm would be "La ogro"
"La" if the femenine noun, and even if "ogro" has "ogra" or "Ogresa", its really clear that "La ogro" is mocking it.

que te jodan

porque la falta porque la falta..

Its name is Abby, so I'm assuming MtF. Don't trannies do that whole "dead name" thing, just to really drive their parents to suicide?

everyone will ironically be an abbychad here in like 2 days

Is that the fucking kid from Bully

shitposting aside, it is a tranny or just a fucked up woman?

and then they will start liking it unironically, like with YIIK

el ogra...

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Are they actually trying to paint this abomination as a good guy.

La golfista emasculada...


Such a refined young lady. From her line backer physic to her large powerful hands. The model female if I ever seen one.

but she never had a dick!

Literally looks like my old gym teacher damn didn't know Todd took up acting.

thats one guy

*La ogresa

He's a big guy

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>brutally murders the last game's MC in front of his adopted daughter for no reason other than MUH REVENGE
>we're expected to sympathize with xir
What te fuck was (((Druckmann))) thinking?

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is mocking trannies, so its purposely wrong.

the amount of salt this character has already produced is pretty legendary. consider me on team Abby

Wait seriously?
I thought they were going to make us despise that character or something. How the fuck did Joel become the antagonist.

Abby is usually woman's name

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He killed Abby's father when he went on his killing spree of the Fireflies at the end of the first game.


El ogro progresivo de la modernidad

Why didn't the time jannies save Joel?

Did Abby...do this?

El Demonio de la Autoginefilia...



scarier than actual sephiroth

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that is a woman shitlord. the character is not a tranny just a super roided out girl

La luz extinguido...

Joker stopped them because his death would've been character development for Ellie

That's it, that the only reason your supposed to abandon Joel for the tranny. Because he killed a bunch of sociopaths that wanted to kill and dissect Ellie.


conspiracy theory: she was going to be trans but they realized how poorly that'd be received so they delayed the game to retcon her transness