Should I buy Trials of Mana now, or wait for a sale? The Secret of Mana "remake" was dogshit

Should I buy Trials of Mana now, or wait for a sale? The Secret of Mana "remake" was dogshit.

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They removed Belladona's Change Form attack. Sucks.

So she's from trial of mana? Guess I'm buying the game now.


the price seems very reasonable right now, if you can buy it go for it, i can wait for a sale because i got a bunch of other games on my switch that i need to finish

Yeah but the old game was fun


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How many times do you plan on replaying it? You can finish a single playthrough in less than 20 hours without even rushing. You have to play the game at least 3 times if you want to see every story route, but subsequent playthroughs go even quicker because you carry your power over in NG+. There's not really much to do to squeeze extra playtime out of it except for grinding to 99 or something.
It's a fun game, but if you plan for it to be a "one and done" type thing you might feel like $50 is too expensive.

why would they do that

It's actually pretty close to the original.

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Great game but like a lot of people, I'm getting a lot of "fatal error" crashes. Hopefully they patch it.

Source on that model? I need it for my studies.


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Are these 3D Mana remakes good

only this one, the other two suck

>just one enemy is all it takes to ruin threads for this game forever

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Just got to the first mana stone. Can I freely change between classes or am I locked in once I choose?

You can get items that let you respec later but they're not until late game.

I also dislike the fucking Charlotte posting.
Reminds me how Veronica has ruined DQ threads on here.

Belladona's Change Form attack had the negative status effect of shrinking the playable characters so as to reduce the effectiveness of all attacks. It added some more risk to the battle. Guess Square Enix didn't feel like developing the arena and customize it to have the characters shrunken down should they get hit by this attack. And for what it's worth Final Fantasy 7 Remake also removed the Mini status effect as well. Seems to be a trend in these Action RPGs.

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Has any other content been removed? I'm interested in this game but if they removed a significant amount of it ill just play the original.

I'm glad they removed Belladona's Regular Cat form. It literally only serves to make the boss stay still and take damage so it was just dumb. Glad this remake version makes her more aggressive by removing the Regular Cat form.


Seems she does have paw pads on her feet.

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Oh no, that has never happened to any other game on this board EVER! That's our Rean, haha

s-she's all naked...

hot mama

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God i love furry girls so much.

There any SFM ready file of her? The link in the pic only leads to .mat files.


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>You have to kill her


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Eh, she'd be better if she was more feral.
>Actually cucking money over for games instead of watching rule 34

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God I love japanese furry shit

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Just convert it m8