So what's with her pregnancy symbolism?
So what's with her pregnancy symbolism?
what pregnancy symbolism? she uploads her consciousness into the machine and a new Khan Makyr is grown in their lab, but that process has been halted because Samuel stole Vega. So her crazyness is attributed to desperation and senility.
i wanna fug those brainfolds
I didn't notice any pregnancy symbolism, where was it? I just noticed the other body in the purple liquid and I guess as says there's probably something in the codex about rebirth
Also is the assumption that doom 6 is going to be actually confronting whatever satan analogue they have that rules hell
>what pregnancy symbolism
The glowing orb and tits being symbolic of maternity
> Doomguy accidently aborted Alien Jesus
imo tits are just because they want some familiar humanoid sexual dimorphism to show its a woman
the orb is too high up to be a pregnancy stomach id argue
You abort Jesus.
Nah don't see it pal, lots of folks have orbs in their chests
It really isn't too high up? Her torso ends in tentacles. Infact, if anything, it's at the proper position given anatomy
was it mentioned what the orb was other than a boss weak spot? so many macguffins I forgot
basically some sort of nasa supercomputer of maykr thinkings
You have my attention. I need to know more...
it's symbolism for human males to impregnate female aliens
Imagine all the tentacle sex
It's mostly to due with the way the "maykr collective conciousness" is stored underneath the flesh-lumps and the original Maykr which is organic has this same weird swell, but it's all fleshy.
Maykrsex; How does it work?
I want to lick every inch of her necrotic body
You would do well to comply with our traditions, HEUGHMANNN
She looks like an arachnotron
Shes a slut
>I am all the Makyrs™
>and I am all the Doomslayers™
why was this line cut?
You're really stretching with that. I know you're unfamiliar with women but that isn't where the uterus is located.
dude what
She looks EERILY similar to the spider mastermind.
>the uterus is located directly beneath the tits
I know you're a virgin, but come on now.
huh, I forgot how the mastermind has the same mouthpieces. Might just be convergent design, but might be shared technology perhaps
>the uterus is not located in the torso
user, YOU come on now.
It's also an alium
It sure as shit isn't located at the base of the ribcage.
But it distends to there throughout, m8
have you ever seen a pregnant lady lmao
each new Kahn Makyr is host to the collective consciousness of all the previous Kahns.