Explain the appeal of this character to me

Explain the appeal of this character to me.

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a bit corny, but absolutely based bro who will fight off an army just to keep your vegetable ass from getting merk'd

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Charismatic and a true hero


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me? Gongaga

very charming.


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he's kinda overrated desu

A little cheesy, but in an completely charming way, charismatic, inspirational, everything you could want in a true friend.

He's a loveable idiot and a true hero

He's like Cloud but successful and doesnt afraid of anything

>Cloud but successful
did zack beat sephiroth

Ponies like him because they had a PSP. That's it, he is the Bloodborne of FF.

Hey it's alright to have an opinion

It should be a crime to be this dumb

He’s tight, don’t care about anything else. I play for the sexy boys

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but he is pretty overrated, won't you agree?

Refreshing upbeat positive guy

He's a jrpg protagonist who isn't mute or retarded or edgy

I'm not even going to dwell on this bait thread any longer. OP is obviously a Cloudfag who's upset Zack Fair is alive and going to take the spotlight and takeover the game and overshined Cloud. As he is going to.

Zack alive
Deal with it faggot.

I be more worried if Nomura is going to kill Cloud off and replace him since now everything is possible.

3/10 bait thread,
Try harder.

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Crisis Core Zack is fucking cringe

I don't see any reason to not like him.

TL;DR. Shut up nigger

He's Cloud, but better

Pretty much everyone likes him, it's just his game was mostly shite and he doesn't have much place for a bigger role in og FFVII without reworking the story in a way which nobody here trusts Squeenix to be able to pull off. So seeing him is a worrying sign but not vomit inducing like Genesis or time jannies are/would be.

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but he's dead and a jobber

The classic I have no counter-argument so here's a wojak tactic.

The OP is really salty LMAO!

>Liking the cringe Crisis Core Zack that turns his death from meaningful tragedy into sappy anime emotional bait that removes any genuine drama from his death in the original game
>Accusing others of being zoomers


>Zack alive
in another universe though

He squats good

That scene is cringe and he’s still charming and fun.
Inject bleach

He's Cloud but without everything that makes Cloud interesting

He's an interesting backstory device but that's it

He's what Cloud wanted to be: he made SOLDIER, he protected people, he was a bro. He's a archetypical hero protagonist, but FF7 had a different kind of story

I thinks he mad the blonde skinny manlet imposter will be replaced by the a taller muscle bounded Chad who can literally smash aeirith and Tifa (if he felt like it) at the same time lol

amusing that you think a zoomer buzzword is an argument in the first place

also the samefagging isn't making you look better

Yea ok faggot

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Best character in the game


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Not anymore.

But did Cloud accomplish his childhood goal and impress the girl of his dreams and have a monogamous relationship with her?

Fair already smashed Aeith and probably Cissnei. Hell he could smash Yuffie and Elena without even trying.

And once again Tifa...if he felt like it heheh.

>Thinking that proves anything

Time to go back my man, this is the last (you) get from me

He was a blank slate in the original game so his personality was engineered to be as likable and charismatic as possible

He is a bro.

Half right. You see how Zack acts in the first half trough Cloud, and have a small flashback of Him inside ShinRa Mansion

I can see the love triangle right now!

>Aerith: Hes my boyfriend so he's mine!
>Tifa: Ex-boyfriend I heard!
>Yuffie:*Whisper* Hey Fair let's go somewhere to hang out!
