New jackbox thread. Not gonna post game streams you faggots can do it yourselves.
New jackbox thread. Not gonna post game streams you faggots can do it yourselves
mixer jinglejangle
Have the mods finally had it with jackbox threads?
looks like we got 3 streams boys
And im starting a stream because I see apparently 25 people in jingle's stream.
I cant promise quality but get in here. First game is civic doodle and next game will be push the button.
last thread had a plug in it. Let's see if this one is fine.
Anyone playing Push The Button?
But what is wrong with them?
Would suck if jannies decided our fun with video games doesn't fit in their board.
I'm on standby. In around 4~5 hours when the other streamers go to sleep I'll open mine.
read you nigger
Next game coming up soon for /JingleJangle on Mixer
vote on it and jump in before it starts
The previous thread before the pruned one literally lasted over 24 hours - the mods are fine with Jackbox threads, at least during this global lockdown. The issue is probably sticking stream links in the OP.
>at least during this global lockdown
I don't want this to ever be over bros
when are you NOT queued up to play ptb
Eh if I dont get a full room in 5 minutes from now, I'll assume people would rather watch in jinglejangle's stream so i'll just abandon ship.
Push the button next pls
Holy shit is joke boat usually this bad? I thought quiplash was peak unfunny.
its fucking awful so far
yea its kinda wack. Not playing this one again
Somebody revolver me already
Mad Verse City is approaching its final round, come watch lyrically challenged nerds attempt to redeem themselves In the meantime, vote on what game we'll be playing next.
start voting for next game in /osmocot on Mixer
fuck you
Push the Button has ended, it's time to vote on the next game now.
Jump in before it starts
whoops wrong link
delay is fixed now king
2 spots open in the osmocot stream
last game of the night in /osmocot
vot or die
> Using already drawn memes
> Making it inferior
Wish you were there user.
Nobody's ever going to agree. Everyone has different taste in games
Monster Seeking Monster has ended, now we're voting on the next game.
Join before we get started