Why did 40% of DS3 players couldn't beat the second boss?

Why did 40% of DS3 players couldn't beat the second boss?

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what's even funnier is that almost 20% got filtered by gundyr

>Why did 40% of DS3 players couldn't

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Probably got bored. The game is very repetitive and the narrative isn’t engaging at all.

This. The first few areas are such slogs to get through. Game picks up after first lord of cinder which is way to long.

Whats the 50% cutoff point?

High Wall was a pretty tough first level not gonna lie. Shits pretty easy untill you get to Pontiff.

abyss watchers at 50.5% completed
seriously, imagine spending sixty dollars on a game and then giving up on the first boss less than 5 minutes in
one out of every 5 players who played ds3 did this

I notice this a lot in games, where roughly 70% of players will get the first possible achievement and it will decline from th

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A good portion probably bought it on sale, got filtered, then quit.

40% beat FF7R. I'm shocked it's that high.

DESU It's not the difficulty it's their steam library. Be honest user how many of tour steam games hace you played form more than 2 hours.

Apparently people who beat the game are in the minority, for every 1 persona that beats a game, 10 will play the game once or twice and never beat it. It varies a little depending on the game genre.

I think Bloodborne achievement rates are funnier because it's limited to a single platform
Didn't less than 10% of Bloodborne players actually manage to kill Laurence, the First Vicar?

Dark souls 3 was the more easy dark souls game. Being filtered by that is pretty bad and im an average player at best.

Let’s not forget that only 16% of Bloodbrone owners killed the cleric beast.

Devils advocate here, I think it’s still too early to consider that an accurate statistic.
Also does someone know when you’re added to that percentage? Is it if you’ve started the game once? Or just if you own it via digital download. I feel the trophy statistics would be greatly skewed for a lot of games if it were the latter, I own plenty of games cause of sales (ex. The bioshock collection, got it for “free” on psn with my subscription but never played it yet despite beating all three games on ps3)

"This is Dark Souls" has only 94.3% completion rate
you get that achievement by dying
that means 1/20 people who bought the game basically just bought it and never played it

user how many games did you buy on a steam sale that you've only played for

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>he dies

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Is there any achievements that are basically "launch the game at least once" thats not 100%?

"Self Recollection" is at 95.5%
you get that achievement within 2 minutes of playing the game and there's no way to avoid it

Yes, tons of them, because people will buy games and then not play them.

it's also possible that some people played offline on steam, before the new UI change I remember offline mode not transferring cheevos to your profile

People buy games in bulk during a sale like steam or the current psn ones and then only play 1 of the multiple games they bought, or open every game once and then get bored because they have too many options.

Remember; Steam refunds are 2 hours or below. That's why so many games have low % even at the start.

There are a lot of games I have bought, and only clocked in a couple of hours or so before playing something else. Not because I didn't like it or anything, just never got back to it. I can understand this.


0.1 of pc players couldn’t beat GTA 4

Depending on the lowest sale price, numbers like this are common for games.

Only 60% of Grim Dawn players ever make it to level. 10

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Actually beat

I'm staring at it right now.
>Laurence, the First Vicar
>Ludwig, the Holy Blade
>Orphan of Kos

>Mergo's Wet Nurse

Might have launched the game and realized they couldn't run it or something too

>he is the big gay

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Casuals don't play games to complete em, they play games to have fun and DS1/2/3 offers that without the need to play thru the whole thing. It's the "oh boy, i gonna spend my 30 minutes of daily gaming exploring that dangerous as fuck game!"
And they enjoy it more than TLOU or something because DS just let you play the game almost INSTANTLY.
So no losing 15 of the 30 with some crappy CGI movie.

Cleric Beast is optional but Amelia filtered like half the fucking players.

That's gonna be skewed due to it being on PS+ a while back, you got tons of people who added it to their library and never played.

video games don't have to be finished to be enjoyed, sometimes it may take me 3-4 tries to actually reach the end of a game, especially really long rpgs and stuff. i can spread that out over a few years. i really enjoy just chilling in the virtual worlds of games so i'm not even in it for the gameplay but just the atmosphere and screenshots i can take.

They got invaded once in High Wall and immediately uninstalled, cried, and posted about how shitty, uninspired, and overrated the Souls series is.

You think that's bad, 60% of people got filtered by Gascoigne in Bloodborne.

>Cleric Beast is optional
Do you want to know how many people beat Gacoigne?

can confirm i played the game for 30 minutes once and couldn't comprehend the hype

Yeah but come on. If you can't even beat Gundyr and get to firelink how much of that are you really getting out of this game? You can't squeeze much atmosphere out of the first 5 minutes of a game.

If you're just playing the story, half of the gametime is cutscenes so it's not hard to beat.

I don't remember if I made it that far. the game just takes too long. I spent a lot of time in this place where you can choose to defend this swamp/forest and fight other players, so I just did that until i got bored

you have to download a ps3-4 game and run it once to create trophy data that can be synced to your account i believe. you can remove games with a 0% by going to options on that game (i think xbox also added this feature a while back) but that is something someone has to do. the game can't be removed from the psn library for that account except maybe in extreme cases like a one time refund from sony. as long as the trophy data syncs they are added. i guess that doesn't count offline players who never go online or wait really long times between logins to update their trophy data