3x3 Thread

Incomprehensibly abhorrent taste edition

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I mean I guess

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It's my most played game now that Doubles OU banned Dynamax. Your choices are pretty cool too

Wait, showdown's still up?
Wasn't it taken down my nintendo?

I don't remember it ever being taken down, what makes you think that it was?

Some genre and thematic 3x3s

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No its never been taken down you schizophrenic fuck.

Point and Click

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Chill out dude, it was a genuine question


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Games from 3rd world

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If you want to showcase 10 games I would suggest making a pyramid shape (4-3-2-1) for a symmetrical layout

What's your problem?

TF2, BOTW, SSBM, L4D2, Halo 2, THPS3
Splatoon and Beat Saver
Smash Ultimate, BOTW

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I'll keep that in mind.
Grim Fandango was made more as an addendum after I made the 3x3 because while I prefer other 9 I didn't want to shaft it.

Oh ok I get it. I actually had trouble finding 9 games for mine since I started to get autisticly nitpicky when I gave it thought



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hi all physical user here.
I will repost yesterday picture.
but to be Frank until now nothing really interesting in this thread. Even worst most of you don't even rate.
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play more.
Op here is your mission : don't buy a single nintendo game for a couple of years and use that switch of yours to buy every single Arcade Archives and Sega ages.

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Holy fuck, I thought I was the only one. Been using KORG DS-10 for years now

dont have a 3x3 but here's my ancient 5x5

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I have never understood why people like Danganronpa.
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It's weird to see you around again.

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gimme a template

OP here, I have some older 3rd party games like Samurai Shodown and Turok but I can't get into them as well as the types of games in my 3x3
No one else seems to know about it when I post it
If you're on mobile you can create a gallery of 9 images take a screenshot and crop it if you can get the images in a 3x3 arrangement (I was able to by bringing out the albums on the left side of the screen)


It's an appreciated form of it imo

>I have never understood why people like Danganronpa.
Not that user but I like it just because the cases are fun to solve and everything feels over-the-top. Writing isn't the best or anything but it's a fun time.


>Doubles OU banned Dynamax
oh, really?

fuck dynamax big time

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