Why the fuck are there no explorable towns in this game

Why the fuck are there no explorable towns in this game.
>inb4 "the characters are on the run"

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the characters are on the run.

quit lying toriyama

square didn't want to put out the effort and instead wanted more cinematic and flashy particle effects

Weren't the characters on the run?

Since we hooked up baby I'm on the run~

I liked XIII and all of its melodrama. The only FF game I outright hate is VIII. Fuck that game's gay.

I love XIII. I get the hate, but I absolutely love it.


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Because it is a neutered game with less content than previous final fantasies.
I gave it a fair chance and ended up liking it though, and it still had a bit of the Final Fantasy magic in it.

I....I CANT GO RIGHT........

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Why do you dislike VIII so much?
It has lots of quality content, set pieces, proper towns, a world map, etc.

No excuse. Vanille and Sazh literally stop by a town with Chocobo racing and what looks like a fun festival going on and you don't get to do ANYTHING there except watch cutscenes. FFXIII was just no fun allowed because it took itself way too seriously.

XIII is unironically a tech demo of a game twice as long
If it had been locked up even half as long as XV ended up we coulda just gotten -2 from the start

I agree. Bought the game day one, enjoyed it immensely and came to Yas Forums to discuss it afterwards, only to discover the entire internet hated it lmao. I completely get the hate, though; Final Fantasy's had an identity crisis for years and everybody wants something different. Square just needs to cup its nuts and go all in on a vision rather than trying needlessly to pander to every demographic that exists in its fanbase. I liked XV, too, but that game was a paradox of inspiration and playing it too safe. Game developers in generaly need to stop trying to be so buddy buddy with their fanbases, stop doing interviews, and just buckle down and make the fucking game. Give me five years of radio silence, one year of marketing and a release versus all of this constant stop and go bullshit.

still better than 15, still better than 7R, stay mad

Reminder FFXIII unironically could have been GOAT were it not for a story incomprehensible without reading a gorillion "data logs," and absurd linearity.

Instead they should have ripped off Brave New World for the story by making Coccoon like the World State and Gran Pulse like the Savage Lands. Also drop all the Fal'cie, l'cie crap and instead make the story center around Eidolons being imprisoned and having their energy drained to power and maintain Coccoon's living resources, all this being unknown to the citizens of Cocoon. Keep the whole marking and focus plot but instead have it where the reasons the eidolon is marking unsuspecting idiviuals is because it is just their attempt to contact other beings by getting the marked person to see their(the eidolons) unfortunate situation and to help free them. The bearer of the mark is granted immense power but is ufortunately turned it crystal or beast if unable to free an eidolon to remove their mark. Keep the general outline of the og plot for where each person got marked, but make it insteas so that the cast slowly get revealed the revelation of how their entire world is run. Gran Pulse, being like the sabage lands is sparesly populated and filled mainly with deffectors eho disliked the way of life in Coccoon. Have Fang be a vigilante from Gran Pulse attempting to free the Eidolon who she belives are resulting in a overrun of hostile monster's on Gran Pulse, Vanille is just a firend/sister is chasing after Fang to stop her from doing anything crazy/hurting anyone.

Lastly in terms of game play allow back tracking after a certain ppint and maybe 1 or 2 town/hubs on Coccoon, and 1 village on Gran Pulse.

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>likes XIII
>shits on VIII
typical shit taste

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>Game developers in generaly need to stop trying to be so buddy buddy with their fanbases, stop doing interviews, and just buckle down and make the fucking game. Give me five years of radio silence, one year of marketing and a release versus all of this constant stop and go bullshit.
This. Completely agree. Developers should say "we're doing a new game" then say nothing for four years and come back to say "so here's that game we were talking about the other day". Too much info, too much feedback make the whole think schizo and leads to pure madness. Also, they should not listen at all once the game's released. But that's not gonna happen. Shareholders are the one doing the games, sadly.

>FF games in the past had towns where you buy equipment, talk to npc's about what's happening, and partake in events and quest given out.
>FF XIII has none of this
>people actually defend it

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well 8 is one of the only 3 objectively bad FF games the others being 2 and 15, hating 13 much like 10 is a meme.

I immediately disliked the characters, the game's aesthetic, the world in which it was set, and the combat system. Nothing about VIII appealed to me, and I gave it the honest try. VII, IX and X have amazing introductions that bring you right in to their worlds and characters; with VIII, I felt like I was watching a bad anime that just kept getting wrose. XII had a slow start but mesmerized me with its visual beauty and melancholy spirit. I love Ivalice and everything that spawns from it. I loved Zidane and his motley crew of kidnappers; Cloud and his terrorist goons; Tidus leaping into the giant pool of Blitzball and slapping the shit out of the opposing team while the crowd roared and Sin slowly appproached; Squall getting slapped around and waking up in bed and... Something... before the blonde guy doing backflips and a thumbs up just didn't hit the right spot, and nothing following that redeemed it.

But FF's strength is each of its games genuinely having their own identity. VIII just happens to be the sole one that I outright dislike. I love VII, IX, X, XII and even XIII and XV. VIII just leaves me cold.

t. brainlet

it's because we're not NPC like you user, keep hating though to make the other neckbeard neets think you're cool.

t. VIII apologist. Go watch some anime and read Twilight, it's about the same experience.

imagine defending LOL WE FORGOT: the plot

Yes, and?


FFXIII came after the "failure" of FFXII, which took almost 6 years to come out after being delayed from its original launch date target by 2 years. The reason being that there they had a lot of trouble with the vision they were trying to execute, which they eventually did, and that their pipeline for asset creation took for fucking ever. Once SE hit the HD generation, they realized their methods for creating assets would fuck them. On top of the problems with the PS3 itself, SE tried to build a next-gen engine for multiple games at the same time, including for FFXIII. Throw in the fact that Kitase/Toriyama had no idea exactly what type of game they wanted to make until they had to throw out a demo, FFXIII had only around 18 months of full development time. Oh, and they also had to make a 360 port while all of this was going on. So, shit was going down then.

that's one plot point. sorry that you got filtered on disc 2.

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FF1 = good
FF2 = unplayable shit
FF3 = forrgettable and mediocre
FF4 = great
FF5 = great
FF6 = great
FF7 = good
FF8 = garbage
FF9 = okay
FF10 = good
FF10-2 = good
FF12 = great
FF13 = good
FF13-2 = good
LRFF13 = good
FF15 = so bad it's forced S-E to remake FF7 to save the company

Honorable mention:
FFT = excellent