Admit it, Yas Forums. You only like this princess because

Admit it, Yas Forums. You only like this princess because
she's the best

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true, daisy is underrated

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>mario princess
are you a child?

no but I want to make one with Daisy

I want Daisy to step on my balls.

Well duh.

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She is fat

True. I admit it.


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>that Mario Strickers version
>it's dead

why even live Yas Forumsros?

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No? How fucking boring do you have to be to waifu a Mario Princess, copy pasted bimbos devoid of personality. Its the most normalfag level of taste for vidya babes.

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I don't insult you for liking bandicoot girls.
Don't shit on me for liking Mario princesses.

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I do prefer her to Peach, but Rosalina is best.

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I never got how people say she has more personality in Peach when she has even less characterized then Peach. I hate how people equate "feminine=bad" and "masculine=good" in characterization.

That's not to say Peach is a good character either, she isn't but saying Daisy has more personality is like saying white bread is worse then pure nothingness.

>I don't insult you for liking bandicoot girls.

Of course you don't, because you know they are superior

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Is that why they haven't got a good game in over a decade, and the most recent good games are just remasters of old games?

That's not a callout, I'm just sad best girl has been rotting away for so long.

Is this a Bandicoot thread now?

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yeah definitely

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I think most people just like her voice delivery lines and the fact that she's a bit of an underdog in the franchise. It's not like she's had a chance for a big story role in anything.

Also Peach was a lot of fun in the old-school comics, but they never really went back to that style of character with her.

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she has more personality than peach but i think she's the only case where more personality = worse

Is that really the direction you wanna go?

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I like Daisy because she has a FAT FUCKING ASS

Me on the right

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hello yes very much so

Extremely based

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Slugbox? Sindoll?

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I liked it better when she was brown.

seconding this

What's this design from?


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omg it's AGP peachposter again