Anti SJW Christian dev leaked Last of Us 2

>An anonymous source linked to Naughty Dog Inc. reached out to us with the following message regarding The Last of Us 2 gameplay footage leak:

>“I don’t doubt, even for a moment, that this leak came from the studio. The Last of Us Part 2 is very divisive and, as you can imagine, some of the team aren’t really thrilled to be working on the game.”

>The source goes on to talk about how stale the work environment has been at Naughty Dog and how so many people have had to bite their tongues because ‘cancel culture’ is very much alive inside of the studio.

>“Many people would agree with me that this has been one of the worst projects they’ve ever had to work on, and that’s not just because some people disagree with the plot. Even though some of the team members are Christians and don’t necessarily agree with the game’s ‘message’, they are also professionals and can put their personal politics aside to get the job done. What really sucks about all of this is the working environment.”

>The team is very much divided on the game, and even voicing your concerns on its story will upset certain individuals; it usually results in said person being called closed-minded or even phobic, or some such nonsense. Some people literally have to bite their tongues or fear losing their jobs, even careers, to an outrage mob.”

>Our source also alleged that the high turnover in staff is because of the reasons mentioned above. “What’s really sad is that nobody is allowed to talk about any of this. Many employees have left Naughty Dog because in-house politics and they are under a strict NDA and absolutely cannot discuss the studio’s ‘productions practices’ secrets. Oops!”


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Yeah, thanks. Not like we've have a hundred threads on this in the past hour.

> they are also professionals and can put their personal politics aside to get the job done. What really sucks about all of this is the working environment.

Blah blah blah, then why didn't you keep your mouth shut, Mr. Professional?

you know the game is going to be great when half of the team hates working on it

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>>The team is very much divided on the game, and even voicing your concerns on its story will upset certain individuals; it usually results in said person being called closed-minded or even phobic, or some such nonsense. Some people literally have to bite their tongues or fear losing their jobs, even careers, to an outrage mob.”
sometimes I forget there's normal people working in the industry

boo fucking hoo, nobody still working there deserves any sympathy

some people have bills to pay son

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>half of them team half-asses their work on the game because they hate it
>"It'S GoInG tO bE gReAT!!!"

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NaughtyDog seems like an awful place to work for, contractor temp job or not. What a shithole.

>Frogposter is so autistic he can't detect extremely obvious sarcasm

Are you literally retarded?

the daily life of the SJW invaders in gamedev is finding and weeding out the normal people for reasons real and imagined so the compromised HR department (which is how the SJWs got in) can replace them with more SJWs

These fucks will nonstop bait politics and ideology to try and suss out where your loyalty lies, and if it's not to Socjus then they'll start watching you like a fucking hawk waiting, hoping for you to make the one slip up they need to write you up or report you and cancel your ass out of the company so your spot can be taken by one of their dangerhair liberal arts major friends

Western gamedev is utterly fucking infested with Socjus garbage, it is not a good time to get into the industry if you aren't a braindead marxist footsoldier who is there solely to shit gamedev up and produce political propaganda

whoever this man is, he is a hero

naughty dog is a fucking disaster since (((they))) took over


at least from my experience, most of the programmers are pretty conservative. Thing is coders don't participate in the creative process of the games.

I object to the game for being hackily written but if you're objecting to it because you're a Christian and you disagree with its "message" (what message? REVENGE BAD?), then you're probably an idiot.

>inb4 "I was pretending" or double down

I've never played TLOU and will not give a shit about the sequel. What's so anti-Christian about the story?

>Druckmann is Jewish, although found he regularly writes about "white, straight, Christian male" characters, encouraging him to instead create more diverse characters.[58]
I'd say it is warranted.

Attached: 800px-Neil_Druckmann_SDCC_2015.jpg (800x1143, 133.2K)

What's the message?

I think you've had too much internet.

>hoard kills white man's daughter
>adopted daughter becomes a dyke
>tranny kills white man
It is a mystery.

It's funny how TLOU is one of the most critically acclaimed and objectively best games of all time and yet Yas Forums hates it because of anti-semitism and homophobia targeted at Neil Druckmann. You guys seriously need to grow up.

>objectively best games of all time

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>labeling the leaker an anti SJW Christian dev
more like the leaker sounds like they are simply a sane person

Yeah, it's a mystery 'cause you're gonna have to explain it to me further.

So the leak was motivated more by politics and not the crunch? I would have figured the opposite.

goofygrape wins again


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its more by "Corporate politics" aka, work place environment, crunch, ect., basiclly naughty dog made their work place so shit someone said "fuck these faggots" and leaked it

bait post but generic survival/stealth shooter gameplay =/= best of all time just because the story made you cry. It's a solid game but Yas Forums hates it because it's popular, casual critic bait that tricks people like you

It was probably motivated by the crunch, but Yas Forums is going to desperately want to believe it was anything except that because unless it has to do with scary gays or whatever this board is bootlickers to the core.

Being Christian doesn’t necessarily mean you are a conservative, I hate it when Americans use ‘Christian’ as a short hand for ‘disgusting worthless Protestant pagan filth’

Any sane person looking at the script of Last of Us 2 and then looks back at Last of Us 1 will go: What kind of person is motivated to do this in a sequel? I hope they never catch the leaker.

>cropping out doomguy

This. Most Christians are Catholics, we're the good ones, all in support of gay rights, open borders, and progress in general.

>anonymous source
>anti SJW Christian dev
I'm almost positive this shit is largely manufactured/twisted by a deranged libertarian faggot who can't let go of gamergape and got called out by Stacy and Laqasha in the break room for making edgy jokes


Lol get a real job xD

t. reddit

thread theme

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Mentioning open borders makes the bait too obvious.

We've been discussing this in here for years.
First, about game journos. And their need for controversy, political division, propaganda, and horrible ethics and deception.
Now it's been what, 3-4 years where we've been identifiying the trend of the SJW invasion, most modern Western game company have been infested.
We don't even have to look for more than the GDC to notice that.
The proofs are everywhere, from social media, to PR, to marketing, to the games' messages, to the writing to art direction etc.

thats nice but what is the name of the anime girl in your image please?

We still linking to the website that tried pretending the Fundamental Christian cult rumors were real? Or are they actually shilling themselves here now?

rectangles : squares :: religious people : inbred cultists :: gays : perverts :: leftists : """""SJWs""""

jew hate white man
jew show white man being beaten to death by tranny (which jew promote, double plus good)
therefore, jew happy when jew get to jew