Here is your guaranteed 2020 GOTY award, Xenoblade Chronicles, sorry for making you invisible ten years ago.
Cyberpunk is literally who, btw.
Here is your guaranteed 2020 GOTY award, Xenoblade Chronicles, sorry for making you invisible ten years ago.
Cyberpunk is literally who, btw.
I swear Xenoblade 2 turned the community into bunch of faggots like OP.
i never wanted to fuck a a cat before until i saw nia
It's like it was handed over in a silver platter, holy shit, this is hilarious.
I actually think it could be just because of all the games that have shitted out this year, if Cyberpunk ends up being shit and Elden Ring doesn’t come out it’s possible for this or Animal Crossing to win
What a shit year 2020 was for games
Jesus Christ, I forgot about AC. That thing has become its own monster.
>that higher quality guitar
>that sharper sound
See, now this is modernizing a classic soundtrack instead of padding with bullshit as if you're trying to one up the perfection of the original (fucking FFVII)
don't like the added piano
>not talking about the violins
That's the biggest jump in quality.
>xeno2 niggers
fuck off
>that fucking Reyn
Fucking gigachad. Everything looks so crisp.
I like her fucking accent. It's cute.
>not adding the new bullshit as well
Sharla looks absolutely amazing.
I'm playing 2 at the moment.
How the fuck do fusion combos work?
Nasally as fuck, but be wary of spoilers if you don't want that.
Anime games only succeed on Playstation. They should have gone for more realism if they wanted to reach a wider audience.
>loved Xenoblade on the Wii and have talked it up to IRL friends for years
>was involved in OP Rainfall, etc.
>see the first reveal of this Weebmake
>friends message me and ask if they should get "that anime RPG you always said was good"
>think quickly and and tell them no it was xenoverse not blade
I can't tell people to buy this. They've fucking ruined it.
When a blade and driver combo are active at the same time
Try to either finish a blade combo while an enemy is launched or smash an enemy while a combo is on level 2
user, op is very clearly falseflagging.
Just one long month to go, bros...
I always knew the anti-xeno spammer were faggots from reddit.
I hear that these things can do some ridiculous damage, but no one has explained thus far what specifically to do to pull those numbers.
For what fucking reason?
yes, you have to pass through that gate in order to progress the story
That's actually the well known spammer Xfag's favorite image for "proving" that XC2 threads are made by people out to get him, that is why he must post garbage (then complain "OMG XC2fags can't take criticism!!") in every XC2 thread according to his twisted autistic logic. Just know, if you see this image, Xfag probably posted it 9999/10000 times it has been posted
Nope, OP here, too bad there's no Reyn pic like that because it sums up my feelings after playing RE3, FFVIIR and now watching TLOU2's spoilers.
I can't wait, one more month.
Buy the game.
>a JRPG winning GOTY
I wish.
FF7R is going to win gotay this year
You should be able to easily clear that easy skill check if you did merc missions and bothered leveling skills on your electric blades. I mean you have Kora what's your excuse. You can just load up your team fully with electric common blades if you don't feel like levelling them
TLOU2 will still win the awards for agenda reasons dudes
Her design is actually pretty cute.
Shame about the in game art.
We'll see, I think TLoU2 will get it regardless of whatever happened with the story.
>she makes me coom so the design is good
this is why this people think this franchise is for incels now
Why must the game awards panel have such shit taste
>Juju in HD