Small changes can drastically affect narrative tone and message

A lot of people make the argument that the changes made to FFVIIR don't alter it from the original very much due to making up only a relatively small portion of the total plot, but this is disregarding the massive changes that individual plot points can make on the narrative thrust of a story. Sephiroth showing up earlier than he did in the original game and apparently either being from the future of that game or at least knowing what happened may seem like a relatively small change, but it has enormous ramifications on both his character and the overall point of the story.

In the original FFVII, the player is led to believe that "Sephiroth", who used to be a famous soldier, is now doing horrific things because he has been subsumed and used as a vessel by JENOVA, a horrific alien monstrosity who wants nothing more than to consume all life on the planet. However, by the end of the game, it's been made clear that it's actually precisely the opposite. Sephiroth isn't being manipulated by forces beyond his control, he's exploiting them, and is trying to consume the earth because he's just a selfish asshole who considers himself more important than literally all other living things put together. It ties back into the first part of the story, in which AVALANCHE was trying to prevent Shinra from causing serious harm to the planet with nuclear power for their own gain. The point of the story is that human endeavors should only be performed with perspective of how it would affect both other people and the world at large, and that ignoring this can result in personal harm, loss of who you are, and will ultimately result in likely fatal pushback, either from other people or the world itself.

Attached: FFVIIR sephiroth.png (1600x1600, 1M)

But what does FFVIIR say? Sephiroth is no longer just an ambitious man who decided he was more important than everyone else. He's some sort of mysterious entity with ambiguous goals, drifting through time and space along with Aerith to orchestrate and alter events. This diminishes the consequences of their actions, and the idea that unfettered ambition will result in intractable problems later on. I mean, shit, who cares if Aerith dies again? Apparently we can just go back and fix that part, if we really want to. Who cares about the earth? Any damage we cause can be undone, as long as you're willing to bully the shit out of some time jannies. The game also seems to be presenting the idea that Sephiroth is not an enemy of the spirit of the planet, but simply an evil and destructive part of it, which is completely ridiculous and undermines the thing that made him actually intimidating. Not his strength, nor his propensity for violence, but the fact that he simply doesn't give a shit about anything at all except his own betterment, and thus cannot be reasoned with or countered in any way except that which he prefers and excels at most: direct confrontation. Any pretense that he cared about anything but accumulating power was simply to trick other people into doing what he wanted. But now he just spent the whole game bullying Cloud for no reason, because modern Square Enix is too stupid to understand what Sephiroth is besides a smug evil guy with a big sword.

time isn't real so how can you travel through it? Do you understand?

>a lot of people make the argument
these people are referred to as shills and don't deserve any more spare bandwidth here

Attached: fuck this hack.jpg (700x812, 222.49K)

like...this pure kino, and you people do this shit, because I realized it's not just ff7 you people don't understand you have no understanding of life and it's like self fulfilling prophecy of why you don't like anything. You guys are soulless.

You can travel through time.

I like the game.

>because he's just a selfish asshole who considers himself more important than literally all other living things put together.
He kind of is more important than everyone. He is pretty much the ubermensch per se and he deserved to win, in my humble opinion.

>it's the opposite
I don't think it's a coincidence that Sephiroth's ultimate goal of creating a catastrophic wound to release mass amounts of lifestream perfectly aligns with Jenova being a giant tick from outer space whose biological function is to treat that shit like biscuits and gravy night at the Golden Corral. Not saying you're wrong, but I think it's more symbiotic than one or the other being in full control.


Attached: 1586288976514.webm (1920x1080, 2.78M)

>retards are easily amused



>if I post this clip it means i win

what is your problem?

You're not wrong. In a way, he really is just her son.

>ff7r makes sephiroth into a bigger 1-dimensional character
>square shit the bed on this one
That's literally it.

Despite my grumbling, I also liked the game. But there's no getting around the problems it has, which will likely get more severe in subsequent titles, considering that they're clearly going for EVA Rebuild progression here.

>In the original FFVII, the player is led to believe that "Sephiroth", who used to be a famous soldier, is now doing horrific things because he has been subsumed and used as a vessel by JENOVA, a horrific alien monstrosity who wants nothing more than to consume all life on the planet. However, by the end of the game, it's been made clear that it's actually precisely the opposite. Sephiroth isn't being manipulated by forces beyond his control, he's exploiting them, and is trying to consume the earth because he's just a selfish asshole who considers himself more important than literally all other living things put together.
lol pretty sure it's exactly the opposite. the entire game you're led to believe you're chasing after sephiroth but you're really just chasing after a puppet made by jenova and the real sephiroth is in the northern crater under jenova's control the whole time.

you're wasting your time OP. you're 100% right but most people are the type to fail out of english class. narrative context, tone, etc. is completely lost on them, all they want is tiddies and epic gamer moments.

just pointing out your shit taste

stop replying to your own thread

you fucking suck

That wasn't me, I don't not a reddit space.

not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person, faggot

How can he be more 1 dimensional if he's the same dude with a new layer?

He's like the kid whose mom spoils him as a means of control, but he's content getting what he wants all the time.

Jenova lets Sephiroth run off and play whenever he wants; it IS Sephiroth whenever you see him, just not inhabiting his original body.

> I don't not a reddit space.

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This post is far too intelligent for the low IQ types of people who would actually enjoy the Remake to understand

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Why does it feel like there are 2-3 anons who try to pull the ACKTUALLY JENOVA WAS THE ONE IN CONTROL in most FF7 threads these days?

that is such a meme attack lol

Because there is a clear and present dichotomy at play and there is a shred of nuance in the original game that makes aspects of this connection ambiguous.