How does Yas Forums do it?

How does Yas Forums do it?
Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards

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It does?

I think its the wojacks that keep it at top quality

Yas Forums mogs here

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Yas Forums sucks dick compared to Yas Forums, Yas Forums and /lit/.

The mods here actually delete shitty threads in a reasonable amount of time. Compare that to Yas Forums where porn threads will stay up for hours.

You're joking right?
Oh wait you're a wojakfaggot, of course you'd like how Yas Forums is now.

And /asp/, Yas Forums, and /mlp/

>it's quiet
>too quiet

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>The mods here actually delete shitty threads in a reasonable amount of time.
>Being an actual jannie bootlicker