How does Yas Forums do it?

How does Yas Forums do it?
Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards

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It does?

I think its the wojacks that keep it at top quality

Yas Forums mogs here

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Yas Forums sucks dick compared to Yas Forums, Yas Forums and /lit/.

The mods here actually delete shitty threads in a reasonable amount of time. Compare that to Yas Forums where porn threads will stay up for hours.

You're joking right?
Oh wait you're a wojakfaggot, of course you'd like how Yas Forums is now.

And /asp/, Yas Forums, and /mlp/

>it's quiet
>too quiet

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>The mods here actually delete shitty threads in a reasonable amount of time.
>Being an actual jannie bootlicker

You're out of your fucking mind, OP.

All these newfags who don't know pasta. Sasuga, Yas Forums. This image becomes more and more apt.

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Yeah because putting up with the same 10 threads posted every single day on Yas Forums is better.

Has anybody seen /out/?

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OP’s two question post doesn’t qualify as pasta, user.

/out/ is a comfy board aside from the /k/ faggotry.


Now you're just embarrassing yourselves further.

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>Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards
in what universe? This is the go-to board for shitposting


haha yeah only a specific thread from 2008 haha.

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>replaying at all
Okay now you outed yourselves.

That’s not pasta, it’s just regular old spam.

Are you implying that user was wrong? It's a legit pasta posted on every media board, sometimes on Yas Forums. They're just wrong, plain and simple.

Jesus Christ.

the image board format is just better than the garbage that other sites use, it has nothing to do with the userbase

>browsing Yas Forums ever
lmao no

if you think this is the best board you have to go back. even Yas Forums is better than this place. Yas Forums is an overmoderated hellhole my thread that was videogame related got removed in less than 40 seconds but they let coomer threads hit bump limit. not to mention that half of the threads on the catalog have reddit filenames.

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with all the tlou threads i can't really tell the difference

>Yas Forums

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haha yeah only on Yas Forums haha ignore it had /qa/ and Yas Forums results in that image haha

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Yas Forums has the right amount moderation. Yas Forums is complete shit because of almost no moderation. Sorry you can’t spam your garbage all day, every day here.

Those are all awful boards that I don’t go to. Try again.

yes, my bait threads get deleted in -10 seconds

Yas Forums has some moderation that would put reddit to shame. If I ever talked about anime I would avoid it at all costs.

B...but you're on Yas Forums right now.

>Yas Forums is an overmoderated

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>Yas Forums is complete shit because of almost no moderation
stopped reading there, off topic threads are kino. go back to whatever subreddit you came from.

It doesn't, it's fucking trash.
Tortanics and weebshit everywhere with a sprinkle of obese pedos here and there. I just come here for the party.

Moderators don't just ban the shit that doesn't belong. They remove whatever they feel like, only redditors pretend they are "based".

Lol no.
Yas Forums is only just above Yas Forums and that’s just because theres a higher volume of mods/jannies here.
This board is total shit.

Yas Forums has some of the worst moderation out of all the boards, post an obvious bait thread on Yas Forums and it will get deleted in seconds whereas garbage pornbait threads such as "why have you stopped playing overwatch" and "X is cute, CUTE!" hit bump limit here.

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>reddit filename
yep checks out. this is why noone likes Yas Forumseddit