Fans of TLOU 1 thoughts on the leaks?

Another one since the last one his the bump limit

For actual fans of the original, how do you feel about the leaks? Are you still going to get Part 2? Are you disappointing in the direction its going to take? Are you upset it was spoiled?


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kek. I found the leak of the DLC too

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post the tldr image of the leaks

damn this looks retarded

Play TLOU1 again. It’s painfully bad even if you initially enjoyed it. You fags are lucky part 2 leaked and turned out to be a glorified propaganda piece come torture porn because you would have been massively disappointed had you been genuinely excited for it.


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They didn't look at the leaks so you can't ask them. You just have an echo chamber of people who didn't like the original talking about how bad it is.

Ok a buff girl...fine whatever a girl that works out and has arms not like something I haven't seen. Those shoulders, wrists, and hands though? Completely ruins the idea that she's biologically female. I just see a tranny beating the shit out of a girl. There's not the shock of a man doing it, there's not the holy shit that's one tough bitch's just a weird empty feeling.

The father-daughter relationship that Joel and Ellie shared was what made the game so great to me. The sequel seems to me SJW thrash propaganda
Kek, NOPE.
>upset it was spoiled?
Why should I? It saved me from spending money of thrash

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Not happy. Last of Us "3" should be a reboot or ignore everything about the 2nd game, talking 100 years aftermath. Makes it easier to accept the events of Neil's shit infested sequel and move on the fuck away from it. Sony probably should retool the game completely but they let this clown go with this game so fuck 'em too for stamp approving this mess.

Lastly, I am so fucking done with the word "subversion". Everyone doing it NO LONGER MAKES IT A SUBVERSION dumbfuck writers, it's expected now that your movie/game is going to be meta and mean spirited middle finger at the audience. Danganronpa V3 did this too, everyone is doing it, fuck.

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Reminder that Druckmann reused the originally plot for the first game where Tess wanted revenge on Joel for her brother’s death and hunted him down and tortured him before getting killed by Ellie.

>no backwards compatibility
>weak hardware
>terrible controller design with useless LEDs and touchpads to appeal to 10 year olds
>playstation drones only use their consoles to play Fortnite, NBA 2k and call of duty
>weaker hardware than the xbox two gens in a row
>exclusives this gen are going to be the same as last gen, cinematic tech demos with no gameplay
>xbox series x is able to run gears 5 in 4k 60fps with every setting set to ultra (I should specify that it runs in REAL 4k, I know you PlayStation tards are used to getting fake checkerboarding)
>not able to raytrace in realtime unlike the xbox series x which can run Minecraft raytracing in 4k 30fps
>no upgradeable storage
>censorship, something even a childrens game console like Nintendo Switch doesnt do
>Last of Us leaks show Sony doesnt give a shit about quality control
>first party sony games have trannies in them
sonybros I dont feel so good..... I think I'm switching to xbox next gen. we got cucked.

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Why doesn't she finish the fight? Her whole point is to get revenge and she just pusses out.

Because the kid was watching. Y'know, because there aren't enough cliches in this shitshow.

move to pc faggot

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Sounds like shit, I didn't think they would kill Joel, it was so obvious they would, perhaps they thought doing it would be like reverse psychology
>ha, you thought we wouldnt do it autists, SUBVERTED
when joel was the most based and realistic character they had, it doesn't bode well for the rest of the game because ellie was easily the weakest part of the first game, so much implausible situations and her character suicidal that the story nearly snapped in half to bend over and save that retard, and no mp on launch means its doa for me.

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Wow really? What a kike he said they wouldn't do a sequel unless they found a worthy story to tell. Really shouldn't be surprised by this.

Asian kid said something and she felt bad

If they announce all fighting games to be crossplay, announce a new killer instinct, and Halo gameplay goes back to what it was in 2, and 3 then I'm right there with you.

as i said in the other thread:

Im probably gonna get shit on, but this is the first time i feel like the sequel destroyed my love for a previous game. I cant enjoy the first game anymore knowing what they did to the characters

straight up looks like a guy who made his high school's JV wrestling team

I bought part one day one and have +100hs in factions
to be honest I would have been fine with how the things went if abby resembled to a woman and not a fucking shemale

I'm in a weird position with the first game. At first, I watched a Youtube video of the first game in 2013. I enjoyed the story and all, but was shocked at how much of a scummy fuck Joel was. But in the Summer of 2018, I tried out the game for myself and absolutely loved it. Hell, I enjoyed the gameplay too. I also gained a better understanding of the two's relationship and discovered new scenes that improved my impression of the story i.e the child's grave even at the damn. I even came to understand Joel's actions and how the ending serves as a rebuke of utilitarian thought. I was excited for the sequel since I had hoped they'd deliver a satisfying continuation of Joel and Ellie's story.

Now after the leaks? Nope. I feel ill thinking about playing this game. Even going back to play the original makes me uneasy knowing how it all ends. Fuck you ND.

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that's a tranny my friend. the plot for this game reads like something out of a Tumblr fanfiction account.

I get it.
I don't share your feelings, because I can still acknowledge the craft that went into the first, but I understand this position.

tlou 1 was good because bruce straley kept druckmann under control.
the moment i learned he wasn't willing to co direct the sequel and that neill was the sole director i knew it was over.

He also hired a second writer who wrote for westworld (also full of sjw shit that ramps up with each season)

This game is going to piss off people.
Naughty dog was already under a spotlight for garbage dev team culture and crunches of death that purge talent after every game now they also will be known for garbage writing.

I pity all the good devs that are left and i sincerely hope their work on the (stand alone?) multiplayer ends up with a great mp game.

so you'd be fine with a pair of lesbians fighting against evil bigots, roaming thugs and zombies. bravo.

Is it true that a random tranny kills the MC of this game?

Samn user. To think I was planning on replaying the first game again to prepare for Part II? Now I never want to touch the series again...

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>how do you feel about the leaks?
annoyed, as i am about all spoilers
>Are you still going to get Part 2?
>Are you disappointing in the direction its going to take?
from the first trailers I was worried that the sequel was going too dark, too gritty. I thought that the balance in the first one was perfect. The sense of unease from having that 'happy ending' after doing some really dubious shit made the first game feel unique and almost like a commentary on the uncharted series. I'm worried they're straying too far into unmitigated misery with this one. And I don't particularly want to see Ellie fucking anyone, guy or girl. But I'm curious and willing to be persuaded.
>Are you upset it was spoiled?
yes, spoiling anything is fucking cancerous, but what can you do it's a fact of life.

Just look at 1 as the only version. I do it all the time with many movies and games.

Not explicitly a tranny, but yes. And then you play as her for the rest of the game. Not even joking.

as someone who thinks the first game is one of the all time greatest, no, i will not be buying 2 girls 1 click. if i wanted to see something gay, i would just come here. i dont need that shit in my games.

>are there people on Yas Forums that unironically liked this walky talky feelsathon?

Good riddance. I hate dealing with Sony's shit. Their consoles are cheaply made and sound like jet engines.

I sincerely hope this is either the end of naughty dog or they go through HEAVY managment change. This company has been releasing nothing but garbage

You're not the only one user.

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Uhhhh based?

Yep, and Neil Druckmann abandoned that plot because he found it "unrealistic" because Tess went cross-country with her goons just to get revenge for her brother dying, but is basically using it for the second game. That's how much of a hack Druckmann is.

I actually enjoyed the first game, but if these leaks 100% true and not just taken out of context then I am mad

>tlou 1 was good because bruce straley kept druckmann under contro
Not just Bruce, but Hennig too.

Very dumbfounded with the choices they made with the characters. If the whole switcharoo was handled like Mgs2 in a clever way I'd be okay with it. Then I also remember there's no Multiplayer, which is 80% of the reason I kept playing the first game.

I might get it used eventually if it gets factions.

i can still appreciate the first one as it is. but i cant see myself replaying it anymore. Getting to the end at know the insignificant character that appears for a couple of seconds apparently has enough pull to ruin the sequel

Who thought that was a good idea

Remember in RDR2 how Chapter 6 ends? Arthur, weakened by his tuberculosis is beaten to death by Micah as the gang falls apart by Micah's doing. You want nothing more than to kill Micah as revenge. Imagine then that the epilogue starts up, and it looks like it might deliver on that. Then, ha ha fuck you, the epilogue is actually you playing as Micah, in which you hunt down and murder John and his entire family, and(for comparisons sake, suppose RDR1 doesn't exist) you succeed over the span of two Epilogues. That's basically what TLOU2 is doing. Fuck you Neil.

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After the leaks I feel like they never should have made a sequel. Neil's quoting as saying their story was finished, and now I wish it stayed that way. Will I get the game? Eventually, I will buy it used. If they add multiplayer I might still consider giving them my actual money when the game is on sale. I'm not mad about Joel dying, I fully expected that to happen. But to force us to play as the one who killed him and sympathize with her because from her point of the view the jedi are evil is just bullshit that doesn't sit with me. We cared about joel despite him being a "bad person" because of how his relationship with ellie developed. I cant picture myself learning to like some tranny gang leader with a vendetta who sadistically murders our hero.

Druckmann, apparently.
Makes you wonder how the first one turned out as well as it did.

Yeah, TLOU2 is what happens when you don't have people like Bruce Straley or Josh Scherr to tell Neil Druckmann to chill the fuck out

>If the whole switcharoo was handled like Mgs2 in a clever way
If you would be ok with Raiden shooting Solid Snake in the fucking head halfway through the game and then hunting down the rest of the MGS1 cast as him, then you'll love TLOU2.

the leak shows multiplayer.
I am pretty confident the multiplayer will be stand alone and possible even release on pc

So we can enjoy the multiplayer without buying the pozzed singleplayer

The best part of the original was the bonding between Joel and Ellie and the consequences it had, also both were pretty charming out of the bag. It was just a really simple story yet greatly executed.
I don't really want to play as some random raging tranny killing homophobe cultists and Ellie, it sounds stupid and boring as shit. People just wanted a game with Ellie as the mc, maybe against some fireflies extremists or something like that that want her back and shit happens, was it that hard?

Have any of the old blood from the golden Naughty Dog era ever commented on the recent state of the company? I'd be interested on how Andy and Jason feel about it since it just seems so different from what they all started.

I bought a PS since I had money just to play games like bloodborne and last of us. PHAHAHAHAHAHHA these leaks are hilarious, this game would literally be 3.3 on metacritic user reviews after they have deleted 20k 0/10 review bombs.

I agree. The tone of the sequel even feels different from the first game, and by "different" I referring to mean-spirited - like the people developing it had ill feelings while writing the story.

They always said they planned to add it down the line.

I liked the first one because it was a comfy father/daughter story which you basically never see, it was charming and heartwarming.

i "get" what druckman is going for in this new one, but it doesnt particularly interest me or excite me at all, abusing beloved characters to serve some greater "purpose" isn't what I look for in story telling, I'm a character guy first and foremost, I couldn't care less about this "cycle of revenge" cliche we've seen a million times before.

I'm not super upset or anything, I was never obsessed with the first one, just thought it was good, getting excited about mainstream AAA big hits usually leads to dissapointment.

I just heard there's no factions too. I hope they just release a standalone type of game for MP. Away from this single player mess. Though I'm worried they'll fuck it up like UC4 MP.

>the moment i learned he wasn't willing to co direct
Dude he straight up doesn't work at Naughty Dog anymore. A bunch of senior staff left after Uncharted 4, and then more left during TLOU2's development because of the crunch shit.

That's why Neil is on a fucking rampage. There's literally no other senior employees to reel him in this time.

I played the original months after release thanks to an user who said the gameplay was fun if you set the difficulty to max. I did, and enjoyed it thoroughly.

If the gameplay is solid, I can see myself getting a bargain bin sale when ps5 is out, but otherwise yeah, the leaks look horrendous.

The first alien for me. Aliens and everything after never happened in my mind.

Aye it's going to be a bloodbath.

I hate how the story isn’t focused on survival or zombies we already had a revenge plot in the first game Ellie being kidnapped.

No reason they should go full Rambo when the world is so shitty and supplies are low.

How was UC4 fucked? I only played the bounty hunter mode but mostly thought that was fine outside of the occasional cheater