Meanwhile, in 2050 Yas Forums......
Meanwhile, in 2050 Yas Forums
why do we need 2050 Yas Forumss one is enough
FFVIIR-3 is going to be so good guys. Third time's a charm.
I fucking hate whites. Anybody who doesn't should fuck off back to Zeddit.
Every video game now gets its own Yas Forums board.
>Actually thinking Yas Forums is any better than Zeddit
Look at this nimrod.
>Yandere dev announced the first rival will come out in a month
Holy shit guys I can't believe it! Do you think he is telling the truth this time?
i told you fucking cunts vr was a meme
I thought it was pretty cool they rebooted the xbox, i like retro consoles like the one x
PS11 STILL has no games
otome function when
I really hope this quarantine ends soon.
"meanwhile" means it's happening at the same time
Haha, did you guys see that video that youtuber made on Touhou? I had a co-worker today ask me if I preferred ray-moo or san-knee.
>you now realize fortnite will be remembered fondly within 10 years like Minecraft was
God I was doing a replaying of The Last of Us part 2 and it is as shit as I remember.
>implying Yas Forums hasn't slowly been turning into zeddit
you must be another 2046 tourist
You guys excited for the Heavy Update tomorrow?
Remember xbox?
I hope China approves of the new part of FF VII remake. Supposedly they already sacked the families of the game devs because there were too man black people in it.
Time is relative. We are in a state of quantum lock.
Minecraft basically started on Yas Forums. Notch used to post alpha updates here until everyone bitched at him for the direction the game was taking.
I wonder if any of the fallout shelters have a PS5 plugged in right now?
bosting bimages bin ba bwrong bboard bagain bi bee
Anybody played The Beauty and the Beast on the PS8?
I am fucking tired of these "sensory" experiences. Yiffy Dog should stop promoting its interspecies agenda. At least Groomstein-san takes good care of Nintendo and makes sure it still puts out classic cinematic experiences instead of this "experimental" shlock.
Remember that giant worldwide overreaction to that flu a few decades ago. Fun times
I think the Star Citizen beta is releasing soon guys!
I had to take out a third mortgage on my house but it'll soon be worth it (:
PS5? What kind of archaic shithole are you sheltering in? You can buy PS9s for only ₪133.99 these days. Absolutely dirt cheap.
>Elder Scrolls X: Skyrim Again
How will the fuck it up?
Dude can you even count? We are already at part 8.
oh god...
Why are there STILL holohoax survivors?
Wasn't that some kind of computer with shitty specs?
user, don't you dare speak ill of the 40 million that died there.
Nobody beleives you. No one from the elite area would waste their time posting on Yas Forums.
>President Todd Howard
>fucking up
Who do you guys think is gonna be in Super Smash Bros Ultra Brawl Universe Super Fighters Melee Deluxe, bros?
I heard a rumor it'll be out in 2084!
Yeah, but you need an internet to turn that shit on. That EMP bomb will fuck that shit up HARD.
I'm think it's really sexist of these male developers using female strength to portray women as these hyper-aggressive man stand-ins that beat the shit out of each other and men. They're just using video games as a proxy for their inability to beat women in real life and they appropriate women's strength for their own sexist use. This is female appropriation. Male developers need to be purged from gaming.
Cant believe a disabled black woman kills Abby in last of us part 5
I can't believe moot came back only to sell off Yas Forums again to the chinese
I fucking hate tianamoot
Remember when Mario and Link were Nintendo's mascots instead of Kirby and Pit? That's what happens when all you have left is Sakurai.
Still, the new Smash might be the best one they've done so far. Not quite as good as Melee, but it's almost kind of close. he's really been gone for 30 years...
>he doesn't like kirby
Get off my board you flaming heterosexual
>Not quite as good as Melee
Haha, you mean Ultimate, right?
>the newcis hasn't learned the elder tongue just for Yas Forums yet
I bought PS9 JUST for the true successor to the Uncharted games way back from I think PS4 or PS3. They added a feature called "Popcorn" where the game literally does what people call the "game" part for you (the part where you walk around, jump, climb, and all that trash). You get to enjoy the gorgeous realistic visuals and the story like it's a movie! A real and true interactive experience!
It's going to be in running for GOTY. That, Resident Evil 10:Remake, God Of War III: Hunting Grounds and Final Fantasy 7: Holy Aerith . Literally the best year in gaming.
He hasn't made a good game since he became POTUS 49 though
>Choose Ultimate over Melee
You choose floaty garbage over what Smash was supposed to be. Get out, Zeddit.
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