Elder Scrolls Thread

Lorefags and autists welcome.

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Obligatory shitposting.

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Cum vaults are canon


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Cum Nerevar, friend or traitor.
Cum and look upon the Heart.

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Have a real life morrowind bosmer

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>best result i could get after 2 hours in the oblivion character maker.png

Is divayth the only living "chimer" left?

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I don't think he's dead, but we don't have official confirmation that he's still alive either. But yes he's even older than the Tribunal

Nah, he technically dunmer for all intent and purpose

No, because he's a dunmer.

This is for the all the pro-Em*ire fags.

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Alright, these threads have convinced me to install oblivion for the first time. Are there any mods i should install (mostly interested in graphics tweaks), or is it more appropriate to go vanilla?

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Who is the greatest mommy: Azura, Nocturnal or Meridia?

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Is any thing more comfy than living in that house in Vivec St.Delyn canton?

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you fags have a general and there's no new game out.

fuck. off.

Found the N'wah.

found the lorelet

I want you to go look at that general right now, you'll see why they're here and not there.

This is the comfiest place on the board. Go whine about the last of us and trannies elsewhere


Daddy Dagoth's tinfoil hat

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who is the khajiit on the bottom right with the saggy green/yellow/orange hat? its the only thing in the image I don't recognize.

Though I'm more of a Nocturnal guy myself

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for me, its playing oblivion as a high elf with max speed athletics and heavy armor

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No, that one puzzles me too. I keep thinking I recognize him but I never actually do.

I'm a TESfag and an amateur lorefag myself and I will be brave enough to admit that we have been expelled from our own general by the autistic jizzbrains.

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>tfw you will never sodomize Nocturnal...

That picture cracks me up more than it should.

im afraid to ask about some of the bottom ones like :
>watch the sky...
>your house is safe now...
>section 22

Yeah its nothing but waifu fagging over there now

but theres tons of gamers in this thread

I'm thinking it has to be Jobasha, because no other male khajiit in the game wears that shirt, but it doesn't really look like him

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Is he the biggest chad of all?

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>doesnt know about jvk1166z.esp
come on, user...


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At very first that's what I thought but it's the fish and the rod that throw me. It rings a bell but as I said I never can actually remember. Hopefully someone here surely will know.

redpill me on mannimakatosh