are amd gpus worth buying or just no good, all the big tubers say amd bad?
Are amd gpus worth buying or just no good, all the big tubers say amd bad?
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Been super happy with my RX 5700 since last September. It can even handle agnostic real time ray tracing in certain apps.
the price and performance makes me cant say no
Their newest cards have a lot of driver problems, I wouldn't recommend buying one.
I've had a RX 480 since release and it has been great though. I'm waiting on the new cards before I upgrade.
It's been a year and they still can't fix all Navi cards having black screen issues, spend a bit of extra cash and get the product that actually works as intended.
They're generally not worth it. While they're are good AMD GPUs out there. They generally get the shit-end of the stick in terms of general optimization and driver support. Trust me, go with Nvidia, they're really not worth the trouble except in very specific budget scenarios.
If you're buying anything from AMD, it should be Ryzen. Despite how weak their GPU game is. Their CPU game is incredible and it's disgusting how badly they're destroying Intel rn.
Only shills and people stuck in the 2000s still hate on amd
>RX 480
I had one of these too, was alright until it started overheating like a motherfucker, I still think it's a fine card for the price I probably just got unlucky
I'm getting fucking random stuttering in like 50% of games I play these days, some are brand new while others are over a decade old.
Fuck AMD drivers.
>They generally get the shit-end of the stick in terms of general optimization and driver support.
That's not really true though, AMD cards generally age better
I don't even bother posting there anymore, the guys here are much more knowledgeable and every post just gets banned for no reason
That's due to the higher vram amount in the RX 580 compared to the 1060 more than anything else. This is a very specific case.
AMD for CPUs
Nvidia for GPUs
Simple as
>That's due to the higher vram amount
No, it isn't, at least not at 1080p. Polaris cards always had better support for Vulkan and DX12 than pascal.
amd cpu + nvidia gpu
anything else is brand loyalty
Hell no. Radeon has the worst hardware products out there, just save a little more for NVidia.
>AMD anything
No. Multiple test prove i5 and i7 are still kicking Ryzen's ass in every way.
This, a 9600K can run 5GHz on air and will beat the pants off any Ryzen in games. 9700K and 9900K are still the absolute top dogs for gaming.
They're fine, the only problem is that AMD lacks high end competition. Navi cards also had a lot of driver problems which didn't get resolved until recently, but to be fair, it was a brand new architecture. Hopefully Big Navi has shit like that ironed out in a timely manner.
>samefag + muh 2fps at 5 gorillionhertz
Not it really is when it really comes down to it. Marginally better support for Vulkan and DX12 is nice. But that extra 2 GB of vram is what is giving the RX 580 the edge over the GTX 1060 ultimately.
the XT was slightly better price: perf, but I didn't have the extra cash at the time.
I’ve had driver issues...
They are bad, but they are cheap for the performance they give so they are worth it.
Intel is still gaming king. Deal with it.
intlel cpus are literally pozzed house fires
they've been selling the same cpus since skylake ffs
enjoy yout extra 3 fps in a few select games and worse performance in every single other task a PC can do
now if this isn't brand loyalty
Video game board. Intel wins in video games.
Need a fuckton of CPU cores? By all means, go AMD. But don't pretend they're on the same level as Intel if all you're after is maximum gaming performance.
Read the article. The extra VRAM only comes into play at 1440p.
Pretty irrelevant for the average PC gamer considering how laughable price to performance is with Intel CPUs. We're going to go Ryzen because that's actually good value.
let's talk about pricing versus performance then, you gay person
>in every way
Are you actually believing the shit you say? I completely understand if you'd say that Intel still shits out higher fps in games but that's literally the only application where Ryzen loses out. And that's purely in a vacuum because if you factor in temperature and power consumption Intel has literally nothing over AMD.
But by all means, if you care about having 200fps instead of 180, go Intel you fucking tryhard.
Dealing with a deluisonal person is easier than dealing with being delusional, so you should take your own advice.
Alright then. I'll give this to you. Doesn't really change my opinion, because this is a very specific scenario. But sure.
And PCs can do more than play video games
Either way AMD still has better price/performance when it comes to video games, there's literally no point in going Intel since the vast majority of games is GPU bottlenecked