Is there really a girl in real life like aerisu or are they all just rotten thots

Is there really a girl in real life like aerisu or are they all just rotten thots

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She's a prostitute, user.

Little Flower Girl

Girls that act like Aerith in real life are the dirtiest of sluts

I want to hold hands with Aerith..!

There are girls who act like this. They will gut you in your sleep.

No, now become one with the darkness user

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You are aware Aerith is a hooker right?

There are girls like her. But she's dating Chad.

The only woman you can trust is your mother

"Flower Girl" = Prostitute

No, she's the perfect tradwife, doesn't exist in reality.

>Ditzy airhead girl who is literally projecting her ex boyfriend that she cant get over on to you

Rotten thots is exactly what youre looking for user

Find yourself a girl with autism. Thank me later.

This is unironically my fetish

I think I will user, ty

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How is a prostitute NOT rotten? You do know what a flower girl is, right?

you guys are idiots, you don't even get the meaning of the flowers or anything, you don't understand how precious Aerith is or how good the remake is.

No, sadly, there is not. And we all have to try to live with that. It's more likely to find Tifas though in every average tittybar and Hooters if you are interested in that (I assume you aren't).

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but of course it's all about Cloud and his coming to the realization.

No, all women are whores.

How can Aerith even compare?

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Dude, real life is nightmare mode. This is why we are all playing games trying to get away from it. We can however build her eventually.

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All men want is a feminine fragile girl. Not some feminist piece of dyke shit.

Thats impossible user they are all feminist macho woman now. Girls like Aerith are fictional only.

Don't be a pussy. We don't want weak women. We want feminine women with a good moral compass.

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no she is just like anime girls; a flawless male fantasy
just like you are not Cloud, real women are not her, but it is still a nice dream to fill the gnawing void of pain and neglect inside your soul

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It should have been other joe

You wouldn't like girls with abs right those are disgusting Marie Rose is the perfect girl so is xaerith and Tifa

she is almost crying again already

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It's too emotional to watch

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dude the simps are going wild dropping hundreds nonstop