Quake Champions

What are your guy's thoughts about this apparently dying game? Literally the only multiplayer movement-based shooter I've enjoyed grinding

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Underrated for sure.

its not quake

how so? minus some movement being omitted or moved to other characters, it feels like quake

The only thing that stops me from playing regularly is the terrible matchmaking. I'm not waiting 5-10+ minutes just to play the game. Put in a server browser.

server browser would help it out alot since queue time is atrocious. aside from that, just some hit register issues from time to time

Based game and great pick up and play with high skill ceiling. Also the fact that you have to unlock the champions adds to replayability and some nice meta strategy. Plus the lore you uncover is cool.

I haven't had any issues when queuing into TDM and deathmatch, the other modes are variable. i hope they add server browsing but the games on life support as is unfortunately

Bethesda jew cashgrab failure. Will get killed off by Egg bot arena.

Quack Hampions

Attached: quack.png (868x587, 556.68K)

>another shooter that immediately tried to go "hay guyz million dollar tournaments!!" while netcode and performance was awful
It would have had potential otherwise, but it had no backing from either the devs or publisher.

Spotted the old fat poorfag who cant run the game on 4k 240fps

It’s a fun game, but I don’t wanna have to wait a half hour on my toaster just to get into a match

It's pretty great.

my favourite multiplayer quake but its engine is some dogshit hacked together idtech 5 thats been modded to work at 60+fps because the original idtech 5 didn't support it. game feels like shit unless you're playing on a 240hz monitor

Stop living in a shitwhole them

I haven't played it in at least half a year but I did enjoy it when I did. Scratched the itch well enough, anyway.

I love Slash!
I love crouch sliding!

you just reminded me of it
i haven't seen it being discussed in weeks lmao

they had a boomer way of marketing their game with their 1 million dolla tournament when that money should have went to twitchfag influencers

10/10 post, it's cool I'm drunk too.

I wish there were other movement shooters worth playing. TF2 is dying, overwatch isn't movement based at all, and the only movement games worth playing are singleplayer

Death match and team death match, and capture the flag are the only modes worth playing
There's about 10 guns but for some reason about half of them are viable

Their logic was purely 'it worked for Dota so it will for us', not understanding that Dota is a MOBA so it's a completely different thing and that it had way more interest going in.
Even by like 2009 or such Quake and arena shooters were very much becoming a thing of the past.

which tf2
titanfall 2 has a stable population of like 1k :^)

diabotical i guess but its just a quake live clone that will die in a year of being released

>how so?
> moved to other characters
you answered your own question

Team fortress 2, didnt really like titanfall to much, but ik its pretty good

You might have meant Titanfall and not Team Fortress, but if you meant Team Fortress then you should definitely give Titanfall 2 a shot.

ew, even when i was 18 i didn't have that kind of time
progression mechanics are an INSTANT disqualification for a "competitive" game

asymmetry = non-competitive
this is information, not a debate topic

The best current arena shooter is Open Fortress. Seriously, its so damn good.
Otherwise UT99 and Quake 3/Live is still king. Champions is cool but optimized like trash and lacking mod support is a big no-no for an arena shooter.

Diabotical is on chink store and won't get enough traction so it's moot to consider that as an alternative. Plus it's just derivative and boring.

the worlds on lockdown, I got time to grind it out