How come when Japanese anime games do it no one on Yas Forums bats an eye? But they lose their shit when western games attempt the same thing.
How come when Japanese anime games do it no one on Yas Forums bats an eye...
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because Japanease anime games don`t make trannies ugly, are you fucking retarded?
Because the Japanese make cute boys who realise they are boys. The west makes hideous affronts to God and nature. Liking Japanese traps just makes you a bit gay, liking Western trannies makes you mentally ill and a future statistic
>How come when Japanese anime games do it no one on Yas Forums bats an eye? But they lose their shit when western games attempt the same thing.
>Character isnt a trap
>character isnt a tranny
Condensed autism
Because when Japan does it they simply make a cute boy who crossdresses, which is based. Westerners don't understand this nuance, so they make trannies, which is disgusting. All trannies are hideous estrogen ogres. But in reality only natural boys can acquire the trap look.
They somehow do it better and more appealing than western developers.
She isn't ugly, or trans though
They don't have an agenda behind it
because japan = trap
westerners = tranny.
traps are cute boys who like being boys. trannies are disgusting abominations. the difference is enormous.
pic related. now kill yourself and your shitty thread
Anime games are made for weebs (trannies) so of course nobody is bothered by it
You know what I mean fag, it`s the old draw a girl and call it a boy, nobody cares if you can pretend it`s female. Now the thing on the right you posted, people do have a problem with that
Because japan makes it fappable.
Hatred of western trans media is just incels that want to jerk off to degen porn and nerd raging about it.
why do people have a problem with someone who is not bothering anyone else?
no. japan doesn't like trannies either. japan makes cute femboys.
skinny women beating up men? wrong. buff women women beating up men? ALSO WRONG!
Imagine thinking that passes with a midface like that.
because it is bothering everyone else when they insist the government uses authoritarian measures to think the way they do
ex. canadian jailtime for using incorrect pronouns
Its funny for japs, us try to use politics for normalizing their shit on kids.
Cant you see the difference between drawn together and Steven trannyverse?
Trannies are evil cultists. They're not innocent in any way.
but you did bothered people, every community and company turned into soulless corporate while using your kind as a cudgel, and you gladly took your newfound influence to the detriment of everyone else.
You are figuratively cancer
japanese devs know what gay male tops like (we like traps / gay twinks), westerners think gay men like barashitters, when only a loud minority of gay men (zoophiles) do
The irony is that the same leftist dogmatics who spout this argument feel as if they are defending trans and LGBT communities when in fact they are completely ignorant in regards to how to attribute femininity to males.
Feminine men are composed of many different groups, some of which don't really give a fuck about your dumb ass trans crusade. The reason Japan gets away with it is because Japan knows its audience; they recognize that feminine traits are attractive to men and thus their characters do not usually exist to make a fucking point about how trans man are actually women.
Go join the the 42% please.
there's one piece lol
The thing with that character was that it was a small thing in the entire series which kinda made sense rather than marketing the whole anime aroun d it
Not the person you were talking to, but we're not all like that. Every group you could think of has it's really bad apples.
We tend to have it somewhat worse because most of us are likely as hell and will follow others who make us feel like we belong, which is kind of what cults tend to take advantage of.
But not all of us are that stupid.
I'm going back to lurking now.
you are bothering me a lot right now by posting those abominations, i came here looking for cute anime traps not these freakos
>good colors
>good linework
>nice face
>its a fucking tranny
what a waste of talent
This. All traps and attractive femboys actually hate trannies. Crossdressing is an art, and trannies make a mockery of it by turning themselves into hideous estrogen ogres.
>likely as hell
I really should proof read my shit. I meant 'lonely as hell'.
The fuck are you talking about? SJW always sperg every time Japan sexualizes a character. Japan doesn't care tho, it know SJWs don't buy his games.
I think this is just someone's fap fuel
You may not all be part of that cult, but you do enable that cultlike behavior by adhering to a cancerous and illegitimate ideology. There is no "good" tranny because all trannies believe in an invalid ideology that hurts people.
i only post cute crossdressers
ruka wanted to be a girl so she could date okarin, though
Based. Reminder Astolfo is canonically a Chad who fucks more women than he can remember
He posted a crossdresser, not a tranny.
yeah some cunts on a discord that i used to post femboy selfies in tried to bully me into taking hrt i ended up leaving because it was making me uncomfortable but i almost fell for it
that's a trap, not tranny
Stop trying to change the English language to make everybody accept your new definitions of "Man" and "Woman" and people will leave you alone.
That makes him a shitty character with weak principles. It does not make him a tranny. He's just a gay man lusting after a man who won't accept him. Ruka does not want to be a woman, does not feel like a woman, and does not consider himself a woman, and does not consider becoming a woman through any method other than time travel. These factors make it impossible for him to be a tranny.
Yuta is great.
Glad you were smart enough to avoid them, user. HRT is literal ugly serum. People who take that shit end up turning into bitter, jealous ogres.
true. and that's not even mentioning the severe mental side effects. and the way it ruins your penis and sex drive.
because the reasons why japanese do it are very different from the reasons the west does it.
Western Dev
>makes a male character and calls it female
>design is as ugly as possible because beauty is sexist and "unrealistic"
>the devs and the media surrounding it give shit to anyone who complains about it
>the devs then make a point about how strong and beautiful the character is and if you don't like it then be prepared for round 2 of abuse from the devs and the media surrounding it
>this goes on with shit like how important and vital to the plot they are until the game is released
Jap Dev
>makes a girl and calls it a boy
>shits hot and designed to be cute
>they're just another character
>they don't care if some people don't like it
>game releases
This is why it's okay when Japan does it.
he literally wants to be a woman and is willing to rewrite history to do it
Thanks user I think i still gotta get therapy though I still sometimes consider it after looking in the mirror
I fucking hit post before I was done writing like a retard
but *After looking in the mirror and realising that im not all that feminine
Japan don't do trannies at all. They do sexy feminine gay boys dressing and acting like girls.
At least the one in Steins Gate and Danganronpa
meme50 does tons of straight shit you sperg.
*crossdressing twinks
"femboy" isn't a real thing
He literally wants to date Okabe and has an idle daydream about how if he was born a 100% natural women he could
Because western games make them worse than the women they're supposed to replace
feminine boys aren't a thing? what?
Bascially main differences are:
Japanese industry cater to fans and customers
Western industry cater to fucking retards on social media mistaking them for their aimed audience
If you played more than 1 hour, you would know he only does that because he is gay for the main character and does understand that he doesn't swing other way.
Its okay because Japan ALWAYS make them cute.
Now the west always portrays traps and trannies too fucking realistic, which means they look ugly in comparison to how they do in japanese games.
Just dont make them ugly, how hard is that?
JP does it, they're just there and not a focal point because of their status in any way
NA does it, they're the focus because of their status and sometimes made part of the plot because of their status in an agenda push
this stupid thread has been made a billion fucking times and this answer has been given just as many stop reposting this shit over and over.
Exactly. Japs care about fun and giving you a boner, West cares about them twitter likes.
The fact that this isn't the only discord cult that targets this site hurts. What happened to this place? I love this site and the people on it, it pains me to see stuff like this.
If that were true and it involved using a time machine to change reality then that would be perfectly sensible. Because he would then actually be a woman, not a delusional nutjob pretending he is something else.
Self acceptance is a long and difficult road, but I think you're handling it in a healthier than many. It's important to remember that you're not alone. Nobody is as perfect as they want to be. Everyone feels lacking in some way or another. Also always remember, the goal is not to be "feminine" as a femboy. The name is a misnomer. The goal is to be beautiful. And boys are uniquely beautiful in ways that women cannot be. Pic related is an example of a perfectly beautiful body that is primarily masculine in pretty much every way. It's important to realize that masculine traits are actually attractive and that the real goal is to be as beautiful of a twink as you can be, not to be or look like a woman.