That incredible battle remix of the shinra theme

>That incredible battle remix of the shinra theme
>Those cool ass dog combo attacks
>Those badass gun moves
>The way he uses the blast from the gun to dash around
>That incredible atmosphere of fighting on top of a skyscraper in the middle of the night
>That focus on having the player be strategic and play defensively looking for the opening to attack during his reloads instead of just mashing out attacks as fast as possible
This fight was 100% pure kino and the absolute peak of the remake. The game should have ended right here because it's all downhill after this. This fight is fucking perfect.

Attached: 17896[1].png (600x315, 222.07K)

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The link between Rufus and his dog reminded me of XBC2

>It's all downhill from here
Literally nothing was wrong with the whispers plot. It's a Remake and they're remaking the plot retard. There's always the original if you're such a crusty boomer afraid of change

can't wait for this fucker. guaranteed kino.

Attached: dyne.png (150x209, 33.51K)

why do I feel like that fight is going to have some serious Vash vs Knives vibes

>mfw Dyne won't be Dyin' this time

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hated this fight his reload was so inconsistent im nearly up to him on hard mode maybe i'll like it more now that i've improved

they would have gotten 0 hype 5 years ago if they called this thing FF7 Rewrite and they know it

I tried to play the original FF7 after this remake and it doesn't compare. Remake is much more enjoyable from a gameplay perspective.

Cloud's Triangle button being stance change is weird. Why didn't they just make it so his square button is for Operator attacks while Triangle is for Punisher attacks, like almost all action games out there.

Finished him on hard yesterday, took me a few tries. The worst part isn't the fight, it's going through the Bloodborne load screen and the unskippable sections where he takes out the coins and shit. Just let me get back into the game you fucks.

Also one Ascension pretty much takes his ass out, so at worst turtling and stringing along the fight still ends positive for you.

>I tried to play the original FF7 after this remake and it doesn't compare. Remake is much more enjoyable from a gameplay perspective.

Attached: 80a[1].png (600x974, 146.21K)

I thought exactly the same

The combat system is actually really in depth

The original was better because of the camera angle and...and...the speech was a good intro the character and its one of the most memorable and hard boss fights in the original was....huh....yeah so it was better

Because the stance changes more than just how you swing it.

Thats gonna be in a scrapyard, with you playing hide and seek against him

watching my friend get his ass blasted was frustrating because the fight looks so fun

You get that parry exclusive to punisher mode.

He will be more important this time around.
Because unlike most characters, he can see the jannies. Which is cool, because I wanna fight him again.

because punisher mode has the highest dps in the game and without the drawback of no mobility and ranged blocked you would never have to use anyone else

>this is what boomers call soul
yeah im convinced now the Remake is superior in every way

Saw people having trouble with this boss, and don't know why..
Literally just triple slash until dog dies then braver rufus twice while he's reloading.

>and don't know why..
Because filtered
Once you get the hang of the game and mechanics, not only it becomes way easier, it becomes waaay more fun. Thats something hard to achieve in my opinion Most games when they become easy dont become fun.

Much better than the original's boring as fuck fight.

Now that AC stuff is most definitely canon, they're probably trying to make him have greater impact in the story. Curious to see what they do with him, if he's not just going to eat a laser bullet and somehow live this time around. Surely they won't make the megacorporation oil parallel guy do a face turn and become good.

>Now that AC stuff is most definitely canon
Not anymore. The party beat the remnant of sephiroths whispers and AC sephiroth whispers. They wanted to protect AC future, and now they couldnt.

Soul is just synonymous with imagination, nothing else to the meme. You had to use your imagination more with low poly older shit, so it was always better.

you never played dmc have you also this isnt his meme being morally gray anyway even through AC


I wouldn't even call him morally grey in AC, he just straight up opposed Kadaj and the other gay boys and wanted to work with Cloud to stop them. He was straight up a good guy in that movie.

>Now that AC stuff is most definitely canon
You literally abort Advent Children at the end of the game

>You literally abort Advent Children at the end of the game
Why are people hating these changes again, this sounds based.

Because people was confused at the ending, everything is so under the radar that you dont what the fuck is going on.

But basically, you defeat the whispers. The whispers use Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo (3 whispers you defeat) to fight you, and finally AC sephiroth (whispers taking his form). Because you defeat the whispers, you are free to make your own destiny, leading or not leading to AC.

It's also pretty blatant and a bit stupid when they get the future vision flash and it's literally the opening of AC. They should've picked a different scene desu. It seemed kinda dumb where they're like "this is the future we need to prevent!"

I don’t like the pacing. I don’t like that nobody dies. Everything in game 1 can be totally redeemed if 2 pays it off.

without memes, this was the worst boss fight. Just kill the dog, and use braver when he reloads, fight = won.

>and it's literally the opening of AC.
You mean the end of the original FF7? Retard

As opposed to every other fight in the game where you mash square as fast as possible in punisher mode=win

I interpreted them as respectively Cloud's, Tifa's and Barret's future.