Games that start out meh and then age like a fine wine? Please stay on topic

Games that start out meh and then age like a fine wine? Please stay on topic

Attached: EWkNQpdWoAErMN7.jpg (1500x1500, 232.24K)

unironically dragons dogma

Am i the only one who's losing weight in quarantine? 20lbs so far

Can I get the blueprints for that?

Gentlemen please take a seat, our thread will begin momentarily.

Americans always looked like that though?

Nigga you have the virus

right is hotter

been sitting in my library for 3 years. played it on console way back. What vocation should I take another crack at it with?

>Please stay on topic
Yeah, like you DONT want us to talk about your pic.


no, stress can make you go fat, most men are probably losing weight, because work is more stressful compared to isolation.

I've always verged on underweight some I'm actually trying to gain weight during this whole thing. I'm at about 180 at 6'6", trying to hit 200.

>photoshopped pink bikini

Why does the bikini on the left look like it's photoshopped on?

>starts off topic thread
>pls stay on topic

Attached: 1549928430703.png (625x773, 142.53K)

Probably to change color

Attached: file.png (1920x1050, 1.84M)

Pierce Brosnan

I havent been in a grocery store in almost 3 months. I eat mostly buckwheat, oatmeal, canned fish and onions. Friend of mine told me I look like shit, lost a lot of weight as well, long hair, beard

Could murder for a proper dinner.

Damn I love thicc bitches
Would post one if my country wasn't blocked from uploading images
Seriously who keeps posting cp or some other shit from country every single day?

>boobs got even smaller after getting fat
How the FUCK dose this even work?

Attached: Cassandra+is+for+hug+not+fug+_44192f20bff39866c46e3a6b79ae905f.png (325x326, 130.9K)

only 5 pounds

because its not the same women?

but the colour of the bikini has nothing to do with the joke

I don't think I've gained or lost any weight. I'm starting to do calisthenics though.

I always thought jokes were meant to be funny so it must've gone over my head.

Strider, then go into Assassin or any other hybrid

I was 135 before and I'm 127 now. Lanklet life is fucking pain.

Why are you even posting here, Chad?
t. 5’8” and 168lbs

I'm gaining some weight. I had shoulder surgery a couple of months ago, I have a wicked case of Achilles tendonitis preventing me from running, the gyms are closed, and I'm hunkering down to study for the bar exam.

its a facebook meme user, what did you expect

Literally me but 125

Why? The fat wrinkles and bulges look fucking disgusting. Tight skin looks infinitely better.

I see fatties are elated that they'll have another excuse for being disgusting blobs again this year

How tall are you fellow lanklet? I'm 5'9", this shit is pain.

Why are modern """""men""""" simping for fat girls?

Yeah but it's so fucking soft to touch not to mention fat makes asses, thighs and tits bigger

>MFW fetish is getting normalised
I feel disgusted and aroused at the same time

Right is literally hotter

6' 130 reporting in

People react differently to the stress of quarantine.

I've lost a bit of weight, while my gf has gained some