

Attached: tlou 2.jpg (763x960, 333.39K)

Not at all. I already had no interest on it from the beginning, and this isn't enough to make me buy it out of morbid curiosity.
If anything I'll be glad when 70% of the board stops being threads about it.

>I'm going to buy a PSGOTY
>On top of that I'm going to buy a cinematic experience "videogame"
How so? Explain.

If it's a good GAME people will still buy it. if you were just in it for the story and the leak really hurts your opinion that much, then you get what you deserve. that goes for the developer and the buyer

I don't have a PS4. So no, I'm not.

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I skipped out on games I was actually interested in this year. I definitely wont be getting this nonsense.

I was never going to buy that garbage game

Playstation exclusives or "GOTY" games are generally best experienced watching a playthrough.


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I was never gonna buy it.

Unironically cope.

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Lol no. The only game I cared about this year was FF7R. Every other hame that comes out this year looks like shit

It's funny because I was going to but after the leaks? Hahaha

The only people who would "still buy it" are the casual audience that buy everything that gets enough advertising. Not the best demographic to be proud of.

Never even played the first one.

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If by buy you mean watch on youtube then yes

>cringe reddit meme format
make it wojak or i dont care

I was literally only in it for the story. Really enjoyed the first game, not for the gameplay but the story. I know that’s not the consensus here but I was excited.
But now? Not at all. Got no problem with main characters dying but in such shitty ways? Nah.

lol @ the desperate sony fag who made this

So they live? There's no way the jew could survive that and what of Ellie? They'll just leave the story with her there? being beaten to death? maybe lefrt in a wheelchair? ugh.

>if you were just in it for the story
what do you honestly think tlou has to offer aside from characters and plot


oh no you've urged me to buy it now.


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Zero fucking chance retard.

Still gonna buy it? More like "still gonna torrent and watch it on my computer"

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I'm so glad I never invested in this series.

The vast majority of people that were going to buy it are still going to
Consoomers/NPCs/Normies or whatever you wanna call them don't even go on Twitter or Reddit where most of the outrage is taking place, they just buy whatever shit is heavily marketted and you can bet your ass this will be absolutely everywhere in a few weeks

>every single character in that webm is a female
the absolute state

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>owning a gaystation

>you're still gonna buy it


>movie got leaked in youtube
>"you're still gonna pay to see it"


this is my favorite shilling
>you will buy it anyway
i haven't done it the last 50 previous times you said it and i won't start now

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>Only have the first one because it came with my PS4
>it was objectively awful.
>Shitty story, awful and easy gameplay, lol walking and talking XD
>Only way to make the gameplay good is to play multiplayer
>Implying I'm going to double down and buy "Objectively shitty movie-game: Female power fantasy edition"
Imagine being this subhuman, holy shit.

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>slashes the knife around like an idiot instead of thrusting.

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no i'm not though

>aside from
so nothing?

you got me OP :(

Bravo Naughty Dog

>buying muh cinematic experience AAA consumerist garbage movie games

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I found the first game alright but it didn't captivate me the same way it did with other people so the sequel reveal didn't mean much to me.

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Nope. You keep the Dkye simulator to yourself

You just can't relate to other people, can you?

>implying I have a cuckstation 4

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I didn't even pre-order it lmao.

i really am not tho

How is it possible to fuck up that many times when you're literally on top of someone? What the fuck was she slashing at?

there is something oddly satisfying seeing shitty characters idiots needlessly praised for years getting beat up to death

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Nope. I'll buy Tsushima instead.

Is that why your 'community' begs for muh representation?

pirating it day 1 through youtube

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I might wait till it goes around $20 and buy it used for $15 just out of spite from someone off eBay.

>another "b-b-but you're still gonna buy it anyway!" thread
Is this a form of coping from TLOU fans and Naughty Dog apologists?

Why would I buy TLOU2 when I didn't even buy the first? I saved up a good 60 dollars just watching the plot of the game on YouTube, and it wasn't the masterpiece "high art" story that journos and shills were claiming it to be, but rather an above-average season of AMC's The Walking Dead (which isn't a very good show to begin with) only with more heavy-handed social commentary.
The only thing I was interested in for the PS3 version was the multiplayer PvP modes, which apparently are the best part of that game. But since the second game doesn't even have multiplayer (because that would be too much "fun" for that faggot Druckmann and too "gamey"), then I have absolutely nothing I want to get from TLOU2.

Especially since, if the spoilers are true, the second half is designed to kill the protagonists so that Druckmann can wag his fingers at us and lecture us on why violence is bad. Who the fuck wants to have some self-righteous cunt like Druckmann breath down their necks like that?

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Both Ellie and the jewdyke survive. The game ends with Ellie leaving home, jewdyke and the baby, to find the tranny and kill him.

>mfw I pirated the first one and still want my time and money back

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they wanted to make a read dead redemption 2 but ended up making tranny simulator

>attempt a grand total of 1 stab
>proceed to slash at 15fps the air in front of you when your victim is playing at 30fps

this is why you lower the graphics settings people, it ain't worth it

There are fucking PS1 games with more emotional pull.
Your fake pixar characters aren't relatable, sorry you're autistic.

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Everyone that played the first one or is planning to buy this turd should get out of this board right now.

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I refuse to play as this, seriously.

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How can I get arms that big?


imagine actually owning a Playstation

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Never played the first
But the salt keeps me coming back


by beating the shit out of dykes and playing golf

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