>caring about western AAA

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You will never be Japanese

Also this

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You will never be a woman

thank fucking god
imagine bleeding out of your vagina with cramps half the month

I will be Japanese

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You get to slut around tho



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Do coomers really?

there's less ramifications from being a male slut

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Satanichia is a Japanese woman!

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you know i don't do anal

this, roasties get all the same stds guys do. and a prolapsed vag looks 20x worse than a prolapsed anus, which roasties also get

raping satania!

I already know that

>mfw western AAA

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>shitania poster
>awful opinion
every fucking time, why is this the case?

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>defends garbage to be a contrarian
Sasuga desu ne

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Why do you have to ruin your good opinion with jack and the beanstalk posting

>has this image ready to go
>he does it for free

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Say NO to dumb debiru posting

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You will never own a house.

Who is this fagwhore mcniggerbitch that gets posted with shitty opinions and why should I care

Why is satania poster so cute?

She’s my girlfriend

It's kind of sad that it's gotten to the point that I just don't anymore, because 99/100 WAAA games are the same generic game we've already played a hundred times before with a different title and boxart, streamerbait, or politicalshit.

OFC, 99/100 jap games are cringy waifufagbait haremshit, the absolute worst thing to come out of anime, so it's not like those are much better.

What is this even trying to say. Permission to use a condom from your 11 year old wife? What

>99/100 jap games are cringy waifufagbait haremshit

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does it on purpose