Remake Aerith is the best looking female character i’ve ever seen in a game...

Remake Aerith is the best looking female character i’ve ever seen in a game. I haven’t even played it I just watched all the Aerith scenes, i’m waiting for the inevitable PS5 bundle with part 2. Anyway, please don’t kill this project with your baseless negativity, they need to make more parts because I need more of this girl in my life. Thanks.

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this but tifa

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Heya, user-kun!


This, but shiva.

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>man faces ok in FF7
>TLOU2 real woman faces getting shamed


You forgot the 70% turn over rate for developer naughty dog because of their toxic sjw culture making it insufferable to work there.

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Cuckfa no

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Absolute peak kawaii levels

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cute feet



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True, peak female performance.

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I love her sexy huge personality

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Tifa is for children, Aerith is for men.

You mean that Tifa is for having children with, and Aerith likes to get fucked by multiple men? Makes sense, I agree.

>You can’t fall in love with me, user

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>please don’t kill this project with your baseless negativity
as long as negative feelings don't actually coagulate into a giant heartless capable of destroying Square-enix I don't see how that could happen

looks slightly tarded though

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>I haven’t even played it I just watched all the Aerith scenes
>please don’t kill this project with your baseless negativity
This, ladies and gentlemen, are the people defending this "remake".

You sure proved him wrong with that comment.

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Aerith loves crossdressing Link!

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Same, but I'm waiting for the PC release

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cute men > ugly women

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People are talking shit about FF7R everywhere and it’s getting dangerously close to becoming a consensus. Yes there are problems but they have done a lot right too, it’s not fair to be so rampantly negative when beautiful works of art like remake Aerith are at stake.

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She needs to marry Cloud NOW

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In all seriousness though, has Square Enix ever made a more attractive FF female before? None of them match Aerith tbqh. Not even trying to bait or waifufag it up here I swear. She looks like an angel its just the truth.

too late

>watch gif
>immediately think of soijak memes
I hate this board so much.


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Barry wife

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