Why is the roguelike genre dying?

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Because it's anti-semetic

over saturated

Roguelikes are infinitely replayable. There's no need in the market for more than one or two. Also, the best ones are free, so there isn't even a "market", just a community that plays and works on them. There's no incentive to create more of them, and no reward for doing so. Hence the lineup naturally whittles itself down to a few. It was artificially inflated by the indie boom which has since gone bust

but it is not

>so there isn't even a "market" (for them)

Because of westerner cucks and their fixation with hating procedurally generated dungeons.
When will they learn?

People are sick of playing the same repetitive game over and over again just with a different pixel art style

This, combined with the fact that ASCII graphics are completely sufficient for the genre.
There's no reason to bother playing a new roguelike. I've played a lot of roguelikes, pretty much every well known one, and I still like Nethack the best.

Too many and most are low quality


Because roguelikes stoped being roguelikes and became roguelites.
Also, you can't answer to this post if you didn't play rogue.

They'll never look as good / have better presentation nor have as many interesting options as the first two Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, so there's no point.

pmd is dogshit children games with no thought put into them whatsoever


>Why is the roguelike genre dying?

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Was this post necessary? At least people used to put a little bit more effort into their shitposting

>not shiren
fuck outta here FAGGOT

My guess is that there's insinuation that the answer is easy and obvious to anyone not deluded so. So it's mocking the deluded in short.

You don't even get to pick more than one kind of person, so right back at you.

Is it?

Brainlets calling anything with random gen maps and permadeath roguelikes, as if fucking pacman is a roguelike now.

I can't think of a single thing that's come out this gen that's near AAA-standard.

Were rogulikes ever AAA?

kill yourself and eat shit frogposters. fucking cancer.

That said, roguelikes are so fucking niche they've been dead for about two fucking decades. Nobody plays them, less people even know what they actually are. Guess which one of the following is a roguelike:

1)Binding of Issac
2)Darkest Dungeon
3)Faster Than Light
4)Risk of Rain

Times up! TRICK QUESTION, FUCKER: NONE OF THEM ARE ROGUELIKES. At all! They have roguelike elements, but they're not fucking roguelikes.

But if you said Touhou Genso Wanderer -Reloaded-, then guess what, you're as close as you're gonna get to correct! That's a rogueLITE; a Mystery Dungeon-like game. Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode? Closer, but there's no way to win. If you said Elona+, congratulations, you're a fucking weeb! And almost there! But if you said Nethack, that's correct. That's a roguelike. And nobody knows what it is, or how to play it, or even likes it. Roguelikes are too hardcore for even "hardcore" gamers, and have very little appeal outside of glorious nihon.

That's why they're dead. No market, and a huge misunderstanding of what they are.

It depends on how purist your definition of roguelike is, leaving aside obvious roguelites.
The closest it ever came was Diablo II, so that should tell you something.

I'm surprised the thread managed to go this long before the "what counts as a roguelike" autism started

>Roguelikes are too hardcore
That's bullshit. It's stuck in shitty asci graphics that provide little visual feedback, at least not intuitively without wasting even more time in the manual trying to memorize a legend than actually grokking the mechanics, while every other genre in the industry at least gives players something to actually look at.
On top of that, the flavor text is basic as fuck and boring as hell. It reads like some 15 year old nerd's idea of decent narrative---and they're just as bad at naming the things in that world, too.

Roguelikes being unpopular have nothing to do with difficulty. It's their absolutely atrocious presentation that nobody but autists want to put up with.

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>Roguelikes being unpopular have nothing to do with difficulty. It's their absolutely atrocious presentation that nobody but autists want to put up with.
Ok, let's take that into consideration. How about another roguelite, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. Great presentation, fantastic story, dumbed down mechanics for casualfags to enjoy, but not so much that roguelike fans will be put off. Perfect game right, 10/10? Nope! 50 on metacritic! Too hard, too confusing, too repetitive, bad game. Why? Normalfags can't handle it. They just want to mindlessly shoot shit in CoD tdm. Forever.

how the fuck is it dying?
didn't Tangledeep come out a couple of years ago and keeps getting campaign expansions and updates so far?
doesn't Japan keep making all sorts of mystery dungeon games?

not to mention Caves of Qud's development is chugging along steadily

it really isn't that difficult. does it look and play like pic related? then yeah, it's at least a roguelite.

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Explorers of Sky is a third version and those almost always are less popular than the original releases sales-wise.
Whatever reviews you saw are either coming from the perspective of it being a rehash, or they would have to not be familiar with Pokemon enough period.
>dumbed down mechanics

>didn't Tangledeep come out a couple of years ago
And who talks about it? Even Underrail has to be better known at the moment than Tangledeep; not to mention received with greater fanfare.

>doesn't Japan keep making all sorts of mystery dungeon games?
Yeah, but since Omega Labyrinth Z got fucking banned in Europe and is now one of the 4 illegal games (Manhunt 2, Carmageddon, The Punisher) in the UK, I doubt there's gonna be much localization going on.

Roguelikes are closely associated with speedrunning and speedrunning has become closely associated with trannyism.

>What is TOME?

Trannies are becoming popular, so will there be a resurgence in the roguelike genre?

don't worry it'll come back again