Attached: world of yakuza.jpg (1338x2120, 330.76K)
Gavin Mitchell
Dylan Butler
Looks like some fan-made crap
Luke Cooper
this is the asian face?
half of them just like a southern european man wtf.
Wyatt Davis
>Oh no Asian people
>The lore is being ruined
>How will my nuclear-powered robot gnomes exist in a self-consistent universe with furry midget foxes and drunk pandas now?
William Garcia
but that's how many asians see themselves so I guess it all works out in the end. don't ruin their dreams.
Logan Bailey
>Oh no Asian people
wheres the asian person, i dont see any.
Ian Russell
Not bad. What about the females?
Jayden Edwards
chinos were always in WoW tho
Gavin Kelly
Glad that my rapidly receding hairline is getting representation
Landon Rodriguez
you guys are really addicts : there's the biggest leak going on and you still talk about that dead game?
Asher Powell
Didn't they add niggers in as well with this next shit show of an expansion?
Anthony Price
Why is the Alliance so boring? The Goblin opening where they're kidnapping Thrall and sink neutral ships is more interesting than their normal good guy shtick.
Hunter Lopez
biggest leak of what?
Samuel Gonzalez
Wercum to Werd off Wercraff my neimu izu zhang wang lang mang
Carson Turner
He was supposed to be an ingame weeb. A person obsessed by pandaren shaolin shit. Which brings me to my question, weren't the Pandaren supposed to be the asians of Warcraft and the Orcs the blacks of Warcraft?
Jason Ortiz
the alliance needs another garithos
but nublizz would have him have a change of heart halfway through his expansion and be a good boi
Camden Cruz
>He was supposed to be an ingame weeb.
>Which brings me to my question, weren't the Pandaren supposed to be the asians of Warcraft and the Orcs the blacks of Warcraft?
Orcs have always been somewhat keyed into Asian culture too what with Blademasters and their Mongol-esque use of their mounts. Same with some night elven architecture, specifically those arches they make heavy use of.
You could argue trolls, with them being blatantly Jamaican. However if you argue that, then you also argue that whites were always represented by just the Scottish sounding Dwarves.
No race in Warcraft is a perfect 1 to 1 match of a culture.
Jaxon Flores
>Chinese name
>Japanese sword
Matthew Gutierrez
Aren't you able to make a nigger Blood elf now? What in the fuck is wrong with this game
Brayden Flores
The leak of gamings citizen kane part 2
Sebastian Ross
This is why I was Alliance in the first place when I started WoW. I thought the Horde would be the noble savages. All monstrous but would bend over backwards over honor or nature. On the other hand I thought the Alliance would be all good noble and honorable in their propaganda, but really seedy and backstabbing underneath. And quest lines like Morbent Fel, Stalvan, and Prestor really touched on that, as rare as they were.
But by BC all the cool shit about the Alliance had dried up, and there was nothing holding me to my old warlock anymore besides the memories of doing my Dredsteed and Doomguard quest. So I just ended up playing on my troll shaman more and more until it overtook my main.
Landon Ortiz
Except Goblins and Jews
Easton Perez
Whats funny is the termite cunts in nublizz now will have just about every npc be a nigger or gook.
Expect black womyn being the leader of just about any quest hub
Liam White
nobody gives a shit about your lesbian children and roided trannies.
Zachary Walker
cringe and blizzdronepilled
Daniel Fisher
Jordan Sanders
They also touch on Americans too.
And I know what you're going to say
>not jews,
but despite the obvious influence they aren't perfect representations of Jews.
They also advanced military tech to protect their interests and demand other races and nations follow their heavily biased laws. For example the law saying that all Kezamite belongs to goblins.
That's American as shit.
Gavin Young
Colton Davis
and the goblins were of course, the jews.
I don't understand how these big franchises like Harry Potter, Warcraft etc have races of big nosed, extremely insular creatures that control all the banks and get away with it
Gavin Baker
What about Worgen being English mutts?
What about Blood Elfs being France-Austrian-Germans from the renaissance?
What about Night Elves being Kelts?
What about Kul Tiras being actual americans?
Gabriel Ward
yep i'll continue to play my orcish blademaster over rerolling alliance.