Animal Crossing thread

Animal Crossing thread

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who /fuckwit/ here

Post the image... you know the one.

lads I just found Zucker on an island

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Wherever he is, I hope he's in the middle of another failed suicide attempt.

based, other guy samefagging was such a retard

you mean
trannymal crossing retard

Post some fucking dodo codes

Has anyone made a dump on their island?
I need pictures so I've got an idea of what to do for mine.

migrate, this thread has shitposter s

anyone know if villagers can access chairs/furniture from the side, or does the front need to be fully accessible?

trainimal crossing? but i don't think there's any train in this game

You don't even understand how to use Yas Forums. You replied to a post that wasn't even addressed to you, and your disease-addled brain didn't even realize.

Based Beau is crafting an angled signpost. Extra DIYs by airport entrance.


>You replied to a post that wasn't even addressed to you
so how start conversation ???//

99% of posts on Yas Forums are unsolicited.

Matryoshka doll DIY currently, follow the autistic fences since I'm currently doing construction.

Dodo is BCL0S

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You replied to me as if you were the same person I was talking to, and created a retarded situation. You'll never learn how to speak to humans normally.

>see samefag drama whilst shitfaced listening to xfm
>call him a fuckwit
>cause about 12 people to pile in samefagging
sorry to make this AC related I've got the town hall now and five villagers, do I have to talk to nook about the KK Slider concert before I can get any more villagers to move in, or can I visit people/use NMTs

>any train in this game
but many trannies who play it

lol what if it was just one dude arguing with himself

Do you think she will give me a blowjob is I ask her nicely?

selling turnips for 470

Man I wish there was an option to just change an existing bridge to a different one. I would even pay full price, I'm just sick of looking at the first shitty bridge I had to put down. And yes I know you can demolish it

i wouldn't be surprised, i think i only made about three posts and one of them was calling the guy i called a fuckwit a bald manc twat

>but many trainnies who play it

wait a minute why would trainies play it it has no trains in it?

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I finally demolished my shitty log bridge yesterday. One you have 'nip money the only real cost is time.

lol i joined in on the fun too

Anybody need DIYs? I got a bunch of extras if anons want to come over


>an user just gave me Zucker for nothing
>find out discord trannies are selling him for 100+ NMTs, gold nuggets, hundreds of thousands of bells

the takoyaki one

they need to bring back the observatory so celeste isn't just wandering around aimlessly

>Reposting my dodo when I put it in spoiler tags
B-but that's illegal


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i don't speak weeaboo

I don't believe you at all.

arigatou hakase


thanks doc


Then wait till sunday for your turnips to spoil

>have a whole announcement system
>woopsy poopsy no news today! :3
>never mentions when Sahara, Celest, CJ, Flick, or even Gulliver are in town
What’s the point

you should try takoyaki user
its pretty good

My gratitude, medicine man.

>he doesnt have a wolfgirl harem on his island

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ur welcome child


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>Audie doesn't have huge tits
whats the point

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I don't know if you're doing it for decoration purposes but if you just want to throw stuff away garbage cans let you do that

Yeah no that's bullshit, this user is open for DIY, not nips, check

Don't fucking reply to me.

It was for decoration purposes. A place to toss extra DIY as well. So thanks.

whos going to stop me

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