Shogun 2 is free to own for this week

Shogun 2 is free to own for this week

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More like AshiGUNru amirite?

fuck all you Shintofags and Buddhaniggers

never played a Uesugi campaign


Have you played an Uesugi campaign?

no comment

>t. Otomocuck


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The constant Christian rebellions made me understand why Japan killed them all

we must find the man who smells of sunflowers

I want to bring glory to Suruga province, or barring that Izu.
Can I do that in this?

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weren't the Date Christfags for a while?

Based. FUCK christniggers.

Wow a whole week?! how generous of them

Fuck no. I'm way too stupid for strategies, but I would always promise myself to at least try playing a Total War game, especially Shogun 2.
Every time it was on sale I'd tell myself "no, it's still too expensive". Now I have no excuse.
Is it very hard to learn? Any quick hints?

>give Japniggers guns
>they shoot each other with them
>must be the Christfags fault

you keep it forever

At the start of the game those provinces are held respectively by Imagawa and Hojo (technically the 2nd Hojo created by Hojo Soun). Hojo is playable without mods, Imagawa is not.

>The constant Christian rebellions
that just makes it look like the Japanese were too stupid to understand the point of Christianity

anyone want to mp?

Oh, and you can develop any province into a super-capital that dwarfs Kyoto if that's what you want.

>Now I have no excuse.
The DLCs aren't free and they really make you feel your game is incomplete if you don't have them

Japs are goddamn retards. Shinto is a meme religion and their version of Buddhist monks were just wandering bandit shitters.

Is it any good all hide paywalls , I Get That .. But .. game is it like Rome .. Britannia ??

don't focus on getting samurai until you've a good stack of ashigaru seizing land: it's more worthwhile to have two mediocre units than one good one
don't fall for the christian lies
use yari wall
upgrade income and province happiness in places that don't give bonuses to unit types (archers at craftworks, samurai with iron, etc)
you normally only get a percentage of income, so sit metsuke in your capital and high-yield provinces to get loads of money, ie, the greener ones, or ones with gold mines

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Always upgrade your farms.
Place metsuki in your most valuable towns
Yari ashigaru are op in spear wall.
Auto resolve naval battles if you value your sanity.
Dont try to reason with the Takeda.

Good to know.

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Did they ever fix that trojan issue the games have or is it still in there?

>Shinto is a meme religion
This is your mind on christianity.

Good, I don't have to play it. Thanks for the warning.

did Fall of the Samurai get rebranded as Total War Saga at some point?

It's one of the easiest grand campaigns in a Total War. If you want ingame gamey shit I can give you that, but you should just take it easy and enjoy it if you're starting.
Basic tips:
Relax and take it slow. Build up and only go to war and take engagements if you have to, you don't always have to be at war and can take your time expanding.
Renown will bite you in the ass eventually, getting too big will have a downside but you should experience it yourself, just be well prepared the bigger you get.
Lastly, enjoy the game and take in all the flavor, it's easily one of the most atmospheric Total War games there is.

The devs claim that they have removed it.

Date were my first win but their specialty isn’t that special compared to other clans.

>I'm missing my differently colored spearmanii, oh nooooooooo

>expecting me to believe gods live in a fucking tree

Posting roll chart so new frens can take a shot

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Nice. I think I'll get those DLC now or wait a bit, maybe later they'll be even cheaper.

Yeah because ToB was awful

>quick hints
- Create trade ships and send them to the trade routes at the edge of the map. They are worth more money than you can make for a long time.
- Food that isn't consumed by castles contributes to growth in ALL your cities, so the best way to boom is to research the farthest right tech line and upgrade all your farms.
- The AI will betray you if you have a small army or if you expand rapidly.

>Worshiping a dead kike

Christians were causing trouble in Rome that’s why they were persecuted. And this trouble included not worshipping the emperor (ie do in Rome as the romans), refusing to pay tax, murder of pagans, destroying pagan temples, etc... until a retard emperor thought Christianity was good for whatever reason in 312 AD. Kinda reminds you of how Muslims in Europe act today huh?