How do you react when you see yourself in monitor's reflection?

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Your reaction to your reflection is solely the result of your self-esteem.
People with low self-esteem avoid their refleciton.

I do a funny face and don't think about it.

Post ncbi study right now.

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Not sure if it's on pubmed but it should be on sci-hub somewhere. That's where I downloaded it.

I smile because i'm handsome

>faggot ran a command on a Mac and thought it made him look enough of a programmer to take a photo of it

I always angle my screen so my reflection is never visible

I tribute myself

I don't

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I always wave

I need to lose my double chin

Smile because i'm undoubtedly better looking than 90% of this board

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imagine being such a faggot you'd spend a thousand dollars on a monitor with so much glare.


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>reflection shows for a brief second
>you see someone in background

I remember a macfag who worked near me had to put a blanket over his head and monitor JUST to work because the monitor had so much glare.

"hey thats me ha ha"

usually I jack off

I believe that

I admire my hair

who's got this but with gigachad

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What POS monitor you buying that has an obvious sharp reflection?

Someone post that one Ronnie comic

Why does every AC comic have 20+ forgeries. Is it a Redd homage?

>it's your dad catching you off guard fapping

>fat, ugly, at fewest two chins on a good day
life is pain

>not owning a matte monitor

Why are you playing with the lights on retard?

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just hit the gym bro